Saturday, March 8, 2025

Big Bother and the Holding Company

                      There are brief 'respites' that are of High [HY] {pun intended}  value because during these thought vacancies Other Worldly `information` [perhaps not the best word] 'Arrives' .   This Information CANNOT   Arrive   if one's Mind is pre-occupied with the day's `trivial pursuits`---here it is where the Mind MUST-BE --->Empty<--- , free of thoughts and free of THINKING,, if the Universe is to be successful with Its 'dispensation(s)' .   

            I keep clipboards with legal pads near EVERY job-site so that when this Information "Arrives" I can record it .   I am  a  HUGE Fan of Maryjane since it is SHE who stimulates my Imagination that IT may be "receptive" to WHATEVER the Universe accords .   This is where the "HOLDING" is imperatively important .   When I have difficulty summoning my own view and OBVIOUSLY View Points .   Now do I NEED MJ {MaryJane} OBVIOUSLY ---> NOT  but what She does is INCLUDE my Body Dharma with the Substance of BEING .  Getting HY is BEING --- I LOVE the Intensity that She brings to me --transforming me to a Cosmic ENTITY .  I KNOW this conceit is PATHETICALLY Romantic but it's what I have rite-now .


                       I have a penchant for using scenes from popular films to support whatever it is I am writing about  in  order  to  add   `dimension-ality  {richness and depth}  which [then] lubricates the 'way' toward understanding and appreciation .      Yesterday, while re-viewing old notes,, I  came  upon  "stereo-sophic" -- in  an  instant  I  recognized   its value  as a term to describe the 'above' .   'Stereo' refers to dual channels of information output = the facts of the Truth on one channel ;  the scene's >display< to cite similarity or parallel  on the other .    I'm certain my Readers know that >Sophia< means Wisdom =  Wisdom within Film~~~~~~~~~ I don't think  'it's'  a     s-t--r---e----t-----c------h . 

Monday, March 3, 2025

The Siege of Leningrad

                       800,000 inhabitants died from Nazi Siege Warfare .   Thing is >>> the city SURVIVED and ultimately DEFEATED the Nazi forces .   You want GUTS ?    Russia got it .

          The Soviet FEAR of Nazis and Nazi-ism is completely understandable but what makes it  modern HORROR is the UNREMITTING use of PROPAGANDA to KEEP the Russian Psyche OPPOSED to ANYTHING >>>Western ---- ALL of which are based upon the Remembrances of Leningrad .  Here it is where DEMOCRACY is the Root and Source of ALL Russian Fears and Hatreds .    Here it is where WWII  >>>NEVER ENDED<<< --- The War against Democracy is PERCEIVED as the War against NAZI-ISM .   You want "fucked-up" ???     Russia got Fucked-uP !!!


The "Ruskies"

                       I got to College and everything changed once more .   We had to read TOLSTOY but guess where -----  CHILDREN'S LITERATURE {with Professor Francella Butler} .   Then of course there was Modern Novels with the Chairman of the English Department, Dr. Moynihan who introduced us to DOSTOEVSKY and his The Brothers Karamazov which was unlike ANYTHING I had ever read .   These were BRILLIANT MEN who gave the World some of the most IMMACULATE Literature ever written .  Combine THAT with a twin-cylinder air-cooled diesel tractor from Belarus and my FEELINGS for Russia were ampLIFIED .   The Russian People were NOT >>>the Problem<<< .  Russian Fine Arts were among the GREATEST on the Planet .  Nope---I had NOTHING against the Russian Peoples .


                       Once my Generation read Orwell's Animal Farm [copyright 1946] and 1984 [copyright 1949] we were avowed ENEMIES OF THE SOVIET UNION !!!!   Fear begot Hatred ... and indeed, I was scared shit and it got worse .   Sputnik changed the World Order .   Everyone figured :  `If they can put a satellite in Orbit then they could put Nuclear Devices in Orbit as well` .    Everyone figured that BECAUSE the Soviets controlled Space THEY CONTROLLED THE WORLD since THERE WAS NO PLACE  ON  EARTH  WHERE  A  SOVIET  NUCLEAR  DEVICE  COULD  NOT  BE  DETONATED !!!!!  "No where to run to---no place to hide" {{as the Song 'goes'}}  .   Safety and Security were IMPOSSIBLE !!!! 


                       One of the deadliest images from my childhood is of Nikita Khrushcev at the United Nations banging his shoe upon his desk and bellowing to the U.S. 

                                                           "WE WILL BURY YOU !!!!" .  

 I'm in my 74th orbit of the Sun and this image is as brutally INTENSE as it was in 'Real Time' .    Here it was that Russia was Considered AN ENEMY OF THE UNITED STATES AND THE WORLD !!!!!  The Soviets were SUPERIOR in Space Age Technologies and had enough Nukes to OBLITERATE an entire Planet !!!!!!!!   They were to be FEARED and when you're a kid Russia SCARED THE FUCK OUT OF ALL OF US !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                  We grew up with the THREAT of Nuclear ANNIHILATION as "EVER PRESENT" each day and EVERY day .   You think that caused Trauma that was REPAIRABLE ?????????    

                   Please---------- think again .

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Terra Infirma

                        I spent yesterday working on what I have tagged a `barn bench` better described as-a* huge-fucking-work-bench .    I've seen these 'benches' that stretch half the length of a barn wall ,  made from 2 inch planks and 4 x 4 legs and cross members, along with whatever relevant 2 x 6's that happen to be lying around .   I was running-away from the WH bushwhack of my HERO Zelenskyy . 

           In a bygone era I stayed awake to witness the first step -by a human- on the Moon .  It was EPOCH changing ------- and  now  I  can  state  that  I  was   THERE  when trump HANDED-OVER a NATION to putin .

            Trump's "lock, stock and barrel" DELIVERY of the U.S. to putin EQUALS the IMPACT of 9-11 ---  in fact I argue that it EXCEEDS 9-11 because the [Political] "face" of the Planet has been changed in TECTONIC Scope and Measure .  

             Earth will NEVER "be the same" .