Monday, October 14, 2024

"Father Knows Best"

                         Evolution has guaranteed the continuation of family specific DNA in order to KEEP and PROPAGATE this DNA = such is the Nature of "Blood is thick than water" .   Blood Lines and Blood TIES are savagely aggressive when it 'comes time' to protect one's blood relatives from outer "contamination" in ALL its forms .   I contend that this aggression is Manifested by trumpists despite their lack of shared DNA .   That 'it' does NOT matter --what DOES 'matter' is their BOND with trump, a seemingly unbreakable CHAIN .   "God the Father = Trump the Father" and as we all SHOULD know {from the late 60's TV}  "Father Knows Best" .   

Lunatic Fringe

                             I heard this phrase in a Netflix episode of "Mind-Hunters" :  "They are at the summit of their intellectuality* ."   It made me think .

              You gyze* may or may not believe this but my first thought after hearing it was, "You can't fix stupid."   Harsh, I know ------ but ... .

               The lack of PENETRATING Insight by supposedly 'clear minded' pundits reeks of slovenly malfeasance ---> the reliance upon scantily clad cliches .   Where Depth Psychology is NEEDED in GREAT Quantities,, there is little, if any, to be found ........................ .

                Trumpists have declared trump as their savior .  You'd think that pundits would acknowledge this with the Psychology of Family ---- the one in which, "Blood is thicker than water" can be applied to their psychoticism*, zealotry, and fanaticism, a kind of socio-political* Rabies .  At one time these folks were aptly tagged with this "Blast From The Past" ---> Lunatic Fringe .  Unfortunately, this THIS gives Lunacy a bad fucking name .



Monday, October 7, 2024

Miss Bea Gotten

                         Some time has elapsed, time enough to review my thoughts and words to see if any have Iron within them  .   As far as a complete analysis goes, questions remain :  Why Jimmy ?  What song did Jagger sing to him ?  And critically, why did Jimmy respond with "just one word and it was 'dead' "  ?   

              There remain technical questions .   What's the meaning of the glass filled with wine and the glass filled with a  "bleeding man"  which MUST be vitally significant because Jagger sees "blood on her hands" .   What happened and WHY ?   Was the "footloose" man SACRIFICED (?) and if so, did she NEED to make that sacrifice in order for her to "get" her "fix" ?   She "was practiced at the art of deception"---was the "footloose man" deceived ?   I mean, THAT appears OBVIOUS and yet Jagger leaves this one open {for interpretation} .

              "But wait, there's more..."

Saturday, October 5, 2024

The London Bach Choir

                              I would be academically remiss if I were to ignore Jagger's use of the London Bach choir since it literally brackets the Song .   GENERALLY , when you hear a choir in ANY song it symbolizes HEAVENLY `generation`, meaning, the SOUND of the Choir is the SOUND of Church Choirs-in this case CATHEDRAL Choirs .   The Sound, however, isn't just of Church nor Cathedral, it is, as I have just stated, of Songs {and Lyrics} from "On High" ~~~ as if and as though the Choir is composed of ANGELS who deliver the "Word of God" via the conduit of chorale Magnificence .   In this case, Jagger is mere ECHO-O-o-o of Heavenly dictum--- .

            Jagger is a Believer and leverages the >from-"On High"- 'message'<  to pry-out Effort from his prescription-dependent friend .   

Friday, October 4, 2024

Authorial Prerogative

                  If we adhere to the structure of the song we can extrapolate meaning from the 'demonstration' stanza .   What the demonstrators WANT is supplanted by what they NEED which is to "vent" their "frustrations" hence, the refrain .  What is puzzling is Jagger's, " get my fair share of abuse."  The default position {aka "the EZ way out"} is to attribute this puzzle to authtorial prerogative meaning author's secret .  I do so now .

             It is imperative to remember this line :  " get your prescription filled" .   This indicates that the entire song is Jagger relating his observations to his friend which I consider to be female although there is NO evidence of this .   This Song is for his friend, much more than a recounting,  a SLEDGE-HAMMERING* to impress upon his friend the words of the refrain .   It MAY be that his friend his akin to the wine drinking blood dealer, an addict perhaps or one under the influence of some other addiction .

             The final line is :  "Ah yeah, do that" which is set case for "TRY" {to get straight ?}.... and so we have come "full circle".  


Miss Spent

                  In any analysis there's always speculation and conjecture, mostly based upon the reader's experiences.   My English Lit. Professor, Dr. Moynihan, use to discourage both speculation and conjecture by impressing upon us this :  "What did the AUTHOR write ?"   

          Certainly some time has elapsed in between Jagger's first observation = "A glass of wine in her hand" and the second = "In her glass was a bleeding man" .  He wrote that he went to a demonstration and after that to a drugstore ---- more than enough time for our 'heroine' to get her heroin .  

          Of troubling measure is Mr. Jimmy himself, who appears to Jagger to be SERIOUSLY ill -----After Jagger sings a song to him, Mr. Jimmy utters "...dead" ; at which point Jagger activates the refrain . What's THAT 'all about' ?

           And then there's the "demonstration" ... .


Miss Creant

                  It is the final stanza of "You Can't Always Get What You Want" that is the most difficult to address .  Jagger supplements his primary observation with, "In her glass was a bleeding man /  She was practiced at the art of deception / Well, I could tell by her blood stained hands ."  I mean, what happened to her "footloose man" ?   

           Seeing her "blood-stained hands" is the same as seeing a "bleeding man in her glass" --- here now, symbolism ONLY .   Evidently it was SHE who is responsible for the bleeding man in her glass --- his blood now visible [only to those that can See] on her hands .  I am hard-pressed to deem her accomplished, because if she were TRULY "practiced" would she then leave her hands unwashed ?  

            Is her "footloose man" a symbol for Heroin ?  From first stanza to last, has she gotten what she wanted, a "fix"  and has THAT been represented by "blood-stained hands" ???   Is her "art of deception" a one of self-delusion ( ? )  ---  getting HY and thinking no one can see ?   I'm GUESSING Jagger KNOWS she's a junkie--- BECAUSE he KNOWS her,, he knows when she is HY .  

            Still, Jagger uses her and her "condition" as an example of not getting what you want but instead getting what you need .   For me, this THIS is "tough sledding" .