There are brief 'respites' that are of High [HY] {pun intended} value because during these thought vacancies Other Worldly `information` [perhaps not the best word] 'Arrives' . This Information CANNOT Arrive if one's Mind is pre-occupied with the day's `trivial pursuits`---here it is where the Mind MUST-BE --->Empty<--- , free of thoughts and free of THINKING,, if the Universe is to be successful with Its 'dispensation(s)' .
I keep clipboards with legal pads near EVERY job-site so that when this Information "Arrives" I can record it . I am a HUGE Fan of Maryjane since it is SHE who stimulates my Imagination that IT may be "receptive" to WHATEVER the Universe accords . This is where the "HOLDING" is imperatively important . When I have difficulty summoning my own view and OBVIOUSLY View Points . Now do I NEED MJ {MaryJane} OBVIOUSLY ---> NOT but what She does is INCLUDE my Body Dharma with the Substance of BEING . Getting HY is BEING --- I LOVE the Intensity that She brings to me --transforming me to a Cosmic ENTITY . I KNOW this conceit is PATHETICALLY Romantic but it's what I have rite-now .