Sunday, June 30, 2024

"Fetchin' Gretchen"

                             For me , it's Newsom {New Some} and  Gretchen Whitmer {Wit More} .  

              Recall Kenndy's YOUTHFUL Appearance ?   Remember how fucking BAD Nixon appeared during their "one shot" "Deal or No Deal" ???    Newsom has CHARISMA and Gretchen has Machisma .   Newsom is a Santa Clara grad and Witmer `is outta` Michigan State, OBVIOUSLY not "Ivy" clad .    The Jesuits at Santa Clara can be PROUD of their "Son" and Michigan State can be ECSTATIC over their Daughter  .   

              Know this :  Background is FOREGROUND  --- the Foundation of one's Personage DEFINES  one's Genetics,,  meaning when you plant an acorn you're gonna get an OAK .    

             "Hans and Franz" couldn't revitalize Joe ,  "You ain't-gonna make a steak from ground chuck".

              It takes YEARS to recover from GROTESQUE Humiliation--- we ain't-got that much time.

              "It's NOW or NEVER" .


Shattered and Scattered

                              Biden Loyalists are spit-worn* when they suggest that they "circle the wagons" to defend Joe .    They have chosen to IGNORE the FACT that Joe's wagon has been blown fucking uP and lies on the prairie scattered in SHATTERED  ruins .   Ain't no Repair gonna fix THAT .   Here is some Street and Gutter Wisdom :  "... you put 4 grand into a worthless junk all you're gonna get is a 4 grand JUNK ."  



The Thunder Down Under

                             When I 'speak' of Physics I mean it this way :   Shakespeare used "Sound and Fury" for Description and added his opinion which was :  "...signifying nothing".   Here, Trump EPITOMIZED "...sound and fury...' but HIS result was NOT "nothing" but {fucking} EVERYTHING !!!!

              Trump's words did NOT "matter" .    It was his SOUND that DID Matter .   This "Sound" had penetrative capability, in the exact same way that "Bunker Busters" = Bombs that penetrate the ground and then explode at fathomable depths .   Joe had NO Defense for trump's Physics .   Trump's words were like THUNDERCLAPS ---  his Lies >> Lightning Bolts .   


"Beach Blanket Bingo"

                             There is a "Physics" of Sensation .  Trump's entry onto the stage and his casual saunter to the podium/PULPIT was SENSATIONAL .   He had nothing on his face save the UTMOST  SCORN and {rabbid} CONTEMPT for the `puny weakling` Joe exemplified .    Trump was "on the beach" all set to "kick sand" in Joe's bleached face -- which he did with SUPREME Bully-ship* .   Here it was that Size DID matter, in that trump  was "LARGE and in Charge" .   

"I" Sore

                             Is it Joe's EGO ????  You gotta wonder .   

               When asked about Joe's near "shit-the-bed" non-performance,, Bob Woodward stubbornly insisted that the CAUSE of Joe's MUST be determined BEFORE he is expelled by the Democrat's 'Council of Elders' .    I don't give a FUCK about the 'Cause' .   Joe didn't just "Fail", he HUMILIATED himself in front of an entire Nation .   Trump grabbed Joe by his throat and beat him senseless .  According to me and MY Mind, there ain't no "Comeback" for 'that' .


Friday, June 28, 2024

"A Roomful of Blues"


                              We all know that Pat Benatar stopped doing R+R .  Only some of us know that she chose, instead, to be the 'Front Woman' for a [BIG Band] named "Roomful of Blues" a Rhode Island outfit with IMPECCABLE "Swing and BIG Band" Authenticity .  

                 That's what Joe MUST do .   Get out, Tap out, SURRENDER and assume the Role of Political Cleric and Sage;  a "Dwelling" in which he is aptly suited .

                  We hired Joe to END the Corona Virus SLAUGHTER, which he DID with Anti-Hysterical MAGNIFICENCE !!!!!!!!! .   Let THAT be his Legacy .  

Rock Steady, Steady az She Goze .


"See Spot run . Run Spot run. Spot runs fast ."

                             In absolutely BRILLIANT {inane} Profundity..  Morning Joe framed "it" this way :  "Joe can run the Country he just can't run for President ."

                In Maternal "Unconditional Love", Morning Mika responded;  "I'm not ready to 'give-up-' on Joe."

                The Moron and Moroness figured 'It' was all kidnergarden* shit .  They were, however, DELIGHTED there were folks out there who were MORE moronic than they --- indeed, they even made a 'funny' : =   "Those two [Biden and trump] put the MORE in moronic ."