What I can't "get my head around" is tump + his fellow Neo-Nazis 'raw HATRED of Jews that somehow gets "suspended" when netanyahu tells the World that he intends to annex the West Bank--- a concept {CON cept} which trump seeks to support . I don't get it . "It" doesn't make any Sense unless one views his strategy as a March that brings with it, Chaos, Destruction and Cruelest Violence that can be conceived by a human Mind . We're back at it - Cruelty as Ideology .
Thursday, January 16, 2025
"What the fuck is the Plan, Stan" ?????
It's just so fucking INTERESTING, that the Holiest, most Sacred Land on the Planet is actually "Hell On Earth" . In the midst of Hostage Release I wanna know WHO iz-gonna ARREST Netanyahu for his WAR CRIMES . Next, I wannna-know if the UN iz-gonna have ANY Participation in the Defense of Gaza AGAINST the Israeli >>INVASION<< of the West Bank . Indeed, who is to form an appropriately representative Government that can help determine the trajectory of [[[Palestinian]]] Recovery ???? When you listen to the BYG* and Planetary SUPER-BRAINS they have NO >Regard< for Palestinian Self-Sovereignty and insist that fellow Islamists ---other Arab Nations--- MUST {{{somehow}}} "take Control" over the effected and AFFECTED Territories . Shouldn't the UN be at least PARTIALLY >>>> Important <<<<< ?
Tuesday, January 14, 2025
There's a "case to be made" that offers a "stance" or "position" that will Aid in the maintenance of the Status Quo by the {decadent} Bourgeoisie and it is only PARTIALLY antagonistic to one's own 'self-esteem' . It's outta* Catch-22 by my Hero, Joseph Heller : "It" can be short-typed* with , "When in Rome, do as the Romans " . I'm too lazy to look up page + chapter , but it's the scene where Nately {I THINK it's Nately} who interrogates an old OLDE man about his convictions regarding first the Nazi "take-over" and then the American's. Nately seeks to chide this old man into saying that America is / was "The Greatest Nation On Earth" . The old man retorts : "When the Nazi's were in Power I was FANATICALLY Nazi, now that the Americans are here, I am FANATICALLY American ." Nately scoffs at such "garbage" and insists that "America FIRST" is "the way to go" . The old OLDE Man then 'beats on' Nately : "How long will America last ? ... a hundred years ~~~ two" ?? He continues, "ALL Empires have fallen and the American Empire will fall too ."
"Ya can't fix STUPID"
Thing is, wood* ANYONE sacrifice their FAMILY for "The Good of the Nation" ??? I-GOTTA "Go" with, "No fucking way" . The Bourgeois State, the Administration of the Status Quo, is NOT "inclined" for ANY "rough housing" WHATSOEVER , [what] they want is "Easy" "Like a Sunday Morning" . But ya know what Qidz ? They are just being >>normal<< for who wood sacrifice their family for a "Just" and "Noble" Cause ??? "We the People" WANT >>to BELIEVE that the Congress is partially composed of Men and Women >>>of HONOR<<< yet to do so reveals a HORRENDOUS Naivety that borders on ABSOLUTE Stupidity . I repeat , the Manifestations of Virtues and Virtuous Conduct will NOT "put bread on the table" and to "Stand Against" the Incoming TSUNAMI is to expose oneself and one's family to CERTAIN >>>>>>>>>>> DEATH . I mean shit, I don't like it, but as Bruce Hornsby and the Range put it : "That's Just The Way It is".
Cowards all, and to the last
Half the time "About Writing" is to keep my Mind Clear . This morning I feel Anger, Resentment and Bitterness because the democraps , don't know "How To Fight" and steadfastly refuse to learn . You'd think that after getting your face slapped and your balls kicked like a ZILLION times, you'd wanna LEARN "How To Fight" even if it's for nothing other than SELF-Protection --- but no oh No . I resent the Congress folks who hide their COWARDICE within the words of propagandal Rhetoric . OBVIOUSLY they "Talk-the-Talk" but refuse to "Walk-the-Walk" [into Combat] . They are PATHETIC .
Saturday, January 11, 2025
Imagination did NOT help me to answer, "HOW do you make steak from hamburg" meaning : HOW do you "get" trumpists to "come to their senses" and disavow Trumpism ???? BELIEVE me I have taken EXCRUCIATING pains to locate even ONE answer . Nothin' .....
So now ya-gotta realize that Imagination is NOT >omnipresent< { I like to pronounce this as om-nip-pre-sent } --- that somehow there is [perhaps] something that obstructs its movement . {I don't know about your, but when I TRY to WILL Imagination into my Reality I, most often, come-up* with Emptiness and NOT the "good kind" neither . Effort without Results is GALLING as I'm CERTAIN you gyze* know .
Here's a Cosmic Absolute : YOU AIN'T-GONNA MAKE STEAK FROM HAMBURG !!!
If you look, what is to be found that can supplant Imagination ?????
"Get 'The Man' Off Your Back"
I KNOW It's be FUCKED-UP if Diabolicism* had, as one of its components,, -> Imagination --- but how can it NOT ? In >general-speaking Psyche< there is this : "Ya-gotta 'Think outside the box' " ::: where 'box' is the Status Quo and for "m,m, my Generation" the Latin was supplanted by "System";; and my fav ---> "The Man" .
One of our Pet Beliefs was [that] "You HAD-TO 'Get the Man' off your back." "Thinking outside the box" meant QUESTIONING AUTHORITY on ALL its 'Levels' --- indeed "Question Authority" was a popular 'bumper-sticker' .
I mean 'it' this way : Were there "answers" to the Box's Problems, and, if so, were they INSIDE or OUTSIDE the 'Box' ??? Since we weren't about to Trust ANYONE "over 30" you can see that the general flow of agreement was toward Answers OUTSIDE the Box . Those were the Days of Civil Unrest due to Racism and {of course} Vietnam .