Saturday, November 13, 2021

Soul Important


        I guess that's it for this morning.  I must establish the Time Line for Manjusri's appearance in the Mahayana to see if it coincides with Jesus's `Stay and Study` in Tibet.  I admit to an "X-Files" Excitement.

        I still-gotta find that other Text of Jesus's "Lost Years".  Shit like this causes me a binding HATRED of myself bc that Text is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO  Important.   Whatever----------------------- .


Rock Steady........Steady as She goes....

A Few Good Mends

         Behold Uriel, the Arch Angel, who wields a FLAMING Sword.  Is not Manjusri's "Wisdom Sword" also enveloped in Flames ?   Indeed it IS.   A Few of God's Angels wield Steel.  Satan's Army is Vast and Unrelenting.  The Heavens MUST-BE Protected.   Above All ELSE it is Sword which brings God-Like VIRTUE to Ritual Combat and Sacro-Sanct Battle.  Within the Conditioned Non-Conditioned Context of Life and Death the SANCTITY OF LIFE -- regarded as COMPASSION-- is Revered as GOD'S PURE WILL.   The Goal of Neutalization need NOT admit to DEATH as "The only Recourse".  No.  The Kung Fu Master reverently administered,  "There is NEVER Honor, in the taking of another's Life."  So it is in the Realm of the Divine,  a Realm to which me MUST Strive.

        I have yet to approach Master Fortin with the Idea that the Sword in his Mandala Icon should be laced with the Dancing Flames of Harmonic Illumination.   Homage to Manjusri is Definitively Expressed and with it the SOUND Of Sword as it is moves through Space both Inner and Outer, giving it the Kwan of Sound and the Kwang of  Flame-as-Illumination.  

        I know you want to ask. "What about Jesus's Sword, Fire of Not ?"   Good one.   I'm gonna go with Spirit as Fire.  Since the Sword He uses to "cut" "son from Father" and "daughter from Mother", I can SAFELY `Guess`  that His Sword's Fire and Flame 'act' as both Illumination and Cauterization.  So YES  >according to the Gospel of Stephen<  Jesus's Sword Burns with the Spirit Flame of Consecration and Surrender.  

        I hesitate to Write,  "Submit or be cast out".  


Woth Worthy

        I confess to a Naked Ambition that LUSTS for an Olympic Recognition of Academic Achievement.  I mean like, WHO DOESNT ???   Ever since I witnessed my Guy Russel Crowe receiving "The Pen" [in "A Beautiful Mind"],  I have not spent GUHDRILLIONS of Hours in mental `WOTH` (excited wont) trying to Believe I am WORTHY of such Elite-Ist Sanction.  How GRRRRRRRRRRREAT would it be If I proffered the Connection between Jesus's Sword and that of Manjusri's and IT proved to be Scholastically VIABLE ?   Do I Win ?   If so,  SHOW ME THE PEN !!!

        I know I know it's DARE-ING at best, at worst, Egregious.  

        If I Bridge Jesus's Tibetan Buddhism to Ancient Esoteric Christianity, that of the Gnostics for instance, I can `thread` a steel cable from Buddha through Manjusri to the Christ of America thereby BINDING Buddhism to Americanism, rendering Zen "Sword Of No Sword" a Socio-Religio-POLITICAL Paradigm.  This THIS would enable me to "Sanctify" Master Fortin's Kwan Um Do Kwang since his Art is that of Manjusri, Jesus, Musashi, Tesshu, and Kim.   



         In the oral tradition of  That Guy, What's-his-name, on "Ancient Aliens",   ''You gotta ask yourself" Where in Gawd's Phucking Name, did Jesus, the Destined Christ, get Access to MIND SWORD ??????? Ah Yes Serpent-Grasshopper, according to both Prophet and that famous Other Guy, What's-HIS-name, Jesus went EAST to Tibet and Studied THERE with Tibetan Buddhist Masters !!!!  The so-called "Lost Years" had been FOUND.  

        Now we're getting [to] Some Where.

        The Breath was taken from me as  Real Eyes Zation overcame my [Thinking] Consciousness.  Could it be that Jesus, "Issa" in Tibetan, had either chanced upon or been introduced to Manjusri and HIS "Mind" Sword ??????  I ALMOST had a Seizure.   OMFG !



        I took Tyme to stare at the Text, it didn't take long to real-eyes I was in a Vise of WTF, not a bad place to be, certainly, but residing THERE did NOT afford Conditional Appreciation, the one of "At last- SOMETHING !" .   Instead the rigor-mortis of Scholastic Catatonia ADDED to the Non-Dimensional Vise-Grip and with that the `always'  of Gut-raw  "It's THERE, It MUST be".   So I sat  and Sat some-more.  

        Relief came in the form of Tibetan Brilliance.   Manjusri's "Sword" was tagged as "Wisdom Sword".  Was Jesus's Sword of that same Guage and Caliper ?  I  >`One`dered< .  What the fuck was I looking at ?  Both were MENTAL Swords.  Here IT was.  MIND SWORD.  Mind AS Sword.  Here we go.....

       Centuries Later, Zen Master Yamaoka Tesshu's "Sword of NO Sword" to be followed by Musashi and recently, (in Evolutionary Time), Master Chang Sik Kim's "Mind Sword Path".  Here now we can add, to that Genre Integrity, Master Fortin's Kwan Un Do Kwang and even, BLATANTLY surreptitiously, my own, extremely Vulgar, `Quantum Sword`.  

        I can even bring Pop Culture into this THIS by naming "Arrival" 's "Weapon as TOOL" as THE Dominant Feature of "Sword".    Within the Film's Context the MEANING of "Weapon" includes its use as TOOL, thereby saving Sword-as-Weapon from the Brutal and Violent Barbarity of Savage Slash and Thrust.  Here it is where Sword as Tool, reaches into the Creative Realm of Imaginative Thought Generation and further into Mind TRANSFORMATION.   In this Realm of "Heptopod" Consciousness, Time itself can be manipulated by Willful THINKING.  I have argued in Elsewhere that Wielding Sword is, Within Itself, a Form of Time Travel.  Let's let THAT sit there for  a few............................. .


Jesus the Sword'sMan

         Elizabeth Claire Prophet's The Lost Years of Jesus arrived in Alien Time.  I had a note from CENTURIES Past with her name and the title.  I discovered it within a file of Misc. Sword Notes.  It SHOULDN'T have been there but then again there ISN'T suppose-ta be `Serendipity` because the MIGHTY "Hand Of The Universe" ABHORS "coincidence".   What had emerged in my Sub -or- UnConscious that guided me to this Text ?   Hmmmmmmm.

        I set her Book amidst a SWARM of anrgy notes.  Then  >>>  I covered the entire Table with a sheet and repositioned her Book atop THAT.   Much Better <<<< .   Now all I had to do was Figure-out the WHY and the WHAT at of it's Purpose.   

        Somewhere there in the Back Then, I spent some 7 Years Studying Jesus.  Volumes piled sideways ---- I was Searching for Sword Connections, i.e., Verbal Aspects of the Sword Dharma expressed as "I come bringing Sword" (from Matthew 10 - 34).  'Scant' and 'Few' cover it with EASE.  Still... I WANTED Jesus to be a One, CAPABLE of Encompassing His Reality with the Cloak of Protective Observance, the One of Steel Carrying Necessity.  Not only Jesus as Savior but Jesus as Warrior Monk.   Selfish -----I know.



        I just noticed my last publishing date.  Hole-ee phuck.   'Time phlies' when you're conphused, obsessed, demented and estranged.  The Universal Intelligence has been sending me alarms, LITERALLY --> from palces of extreem WTF.  It is as if the Super-UN-Natural has colluded with some sort of Demon Franchise to BULLY me into a form of Writing that is NOT in my 'wheel house'.  The Scholarship I am SUPPOSE-TO detail demands HEAVY Research.  2 words >> `I don't want to`.   The Demand is in place because the Details are stridently Esoteric.  Concepts, if they are to be 'understood' sometimes not only require descriptive TECHNICAL explanations but also Examples that themselves invite a subjectivity of maudlin and even malise.   I intend toward the Droll Aspect of Expression, an aspect, supposedly, unbecoming of a Scholar or Sage---such is my Inner Nature of 7th Grade Foole.  

        The mornings have passed with GENUINE morbidity.   Despite ENORMOUS Progress in Visualizing  the Over-ALL --- I have dwelled in a discomfort of "Home Alone" Stasis, meaning, `it's lonely at the flop`.  Pages of notes have filled files,,, sentence after sentence alone and seemingly adrift in an Ocean Vastness whose Eternal Currents keep me from Island or Mainland Harbor.  It actually HURTS that I can't engineer bridges to connect these insights thereby making them Intelligent Out-sights.   Oh well......