I took Tyme to stare at the Text, it didn't take long to real-eyes I was in a Vise of WTF, not a bad place to be, certainly, but residing THERE did NOT afford Conditional Appreciation, the one of "At last- SOMETHING !" . Instead the rigor-mortis of Scholastic Catatonia ADDED to the Non-Dimensional Vise-Grip and with that the `always' of Gut-raw "It's THERE, It MUST be". So I sat and Sat some-more.
Relief came in the form of Tibetan Brilliance. Manjusri's "Sword" was tagged as "Wisdom Sword". Was Jesus's Sword of that same Guage and Caliper ? I >`One`dered< . What the fuck was I looking at ? Both were MENTAL Swords. Here IT was. MIND SWORD. Mind AS Sword. Here we go.....
Centuries Later, Zen Master Yamaoka Tesshu's "Sword of NO Sword" to be followed by Musashi and recently, (in Evolutionary Time), Master Chang Sik Kim's "Mind Sword Path". Here now we can add, to that Genre Integrity, Master Fortin's Kwan Un Do Kwang and even, BLATANTLY surreptitiously, my own, extremely Vulgar, `Quantum Sword`.
I can even bring Pop Culture into this THIS by naming "Arrival" 's "Weapon as TOOL" as THE Dominant Feature of "Sword". Within the Film's Context the MEANING of "Weapon" includes its use as TOOL, thereby saving Sword-as-Weapon from the Brutal and Violent Barbarity of Savage Slash and Thrust. Here it is where Sword as Tool, reaches into the Creative Realm of Imaginative Thought Generation and further into Mind TRANSFORMATION. In this Realm of "Heptopod" Consciousness, Time itself can be manipulated by Willful THINKING. I have argued in Elsewhere that Wielding Sword is, Within Itself, a Form of Time Travel. Let's let THAT sit there for a few............................. .