Saturday, November 13, 2021

Woth Worthy

        I confess to a Naked Ambition that LUSTS for an Olympic Recognition of Academic Achievement.  I mean like, WHO DOESNT ???   Ever since I witnessed my Guy Russel Crowe receiving "The Pen" [in "A Beautiful Mind"],  I have not spent GUHDRILLIONS of Hours in mental `WOTH` (excited wont) trying to Believe I am WORTHY of such Elite-Ist Sanction.  How GRRRRRRRRRRREAT would it be If I proffered the Connection between Jesus's Sword and that of Manjusri's and IT proved to be Scholastically VIABLE ?   Do I Win ?   If so,  SHOW ME THE PEN !!!

        I know I know it's DARE-ING at best, at worst, Egregious.  

        If I Bridge Jesus's Tibetan Buddhism to Ancient Esoteric Christianity, that of the Gnostics for instance, I can `thread` a steel cable from Buddha through Manjusri to the Christ of America thereby BINDING Buddhism to Americanism, rendering Zen "Sword Of No Sword" a Socio-Religio-POLITICAL Paradigm.  This THIS would enable me to "Sanctify" Master Fortin's Kwan Um Do Kwang since his Art is that of Manjusri, Jesus, Musashi, Tesshu, and Kim.   


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