Tuesday, August 10, 2021

"Don't look now, but..."

 Some Time Ago I believed it necessary to advance a New Prototype of the American Citizen, a Citizen that could withstand the blight, misery and hard-scrabble of 'Day-to-Day' Subsistence while attempting to Better One's Efforts by bending them toward the Goal of "Being Whole and Complete Unto One's Self" which would Aid in the Journey toward Peace, Prosperity and Being In Harmony With Things and,  Others.  I wanted this New Citizen to have Political Refinements, Refinements that do NOT exist within the Singular Body Politic as it is manifested in Today's Culture and Society.  Here, APATHY, has been the Truth of Community, a Community represented by Those of Hideous Callousness, whose sole [Soul] Objective is nothing more than self-aggrandizement at the expense of their Constituents whose only interest in Politics, generally, is the Advance of Hostility directed by Instinctual and TRIBAL Acuities and whose manifestations are exhibited, grotesquely, by White Supremacy, Neo-Nazi-ism and Antebellum Confederalism, all of which seek an active Destruction of existing Democratic Institutions and worse, the DIRECT Attack on the Constitution, where the goal is nothing short of Governing Authority OVERTHROW and the Implementation of Despotic Anarchy that of Trumpian Chaos.  

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