Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Going IN to get OUT

 I've been deliberating on whether or not to provide my Gentle Readers with ongoing Output from the new 'Task At Hand' >>  the Translation and re-work of Master Marc Fortin's "Manual for Kwan Um Do Kwang Instructors".  I decided that the Output IZ valuable to Most Everyone, since the so-called "Goal Of Life" is Peace, Prosperity and achieving Harmony With All Things and Beings ------at least I THINK It is---- and since the Goal of Martial Arts IZ Similar in Scope and Measure, but with the added Influence of Self-Protection in the form of Self-Defense, and since the True Aspect of Martial Arts Training is to deepen one's Spirituality through Meditation and Self-Investigation---it SEEMS fitting to Combine these Two [so] that a `Grasping` of their Essences can be used as Orientation and, if necessary, > Re-Alignment with the Natural Sources of Growth and Maturation in Accordance with Proscribed Attention to Buddhist and Zen Buddhist Dogmas best viewed as the "Noble 8 Fold Path" and "Seeing into One's Self".  

I confess to the 'selfish' nature of this exercise.  Writing to me is the "Experience of  "Enlightenment" and by writing I am able to access Hidden Realms of Pseudo-Psycho Divination, a Something that can AID in the Expression and Understanding of Existence, which I want to Believe is Possible.

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