Wednesday, July 14, 2021

I'm the STUD in Study


This is as far as I can go this morning.  There's an American Standard, "The Old Gray Mare / She AINT what she use to be".   Joe needs to start humming that Reality "Hit".  Folks that actually BELIEVE that joe can resort to Joe-Of-Yester-Year in order to bend IRON-CLAD Wills is nothing less than "MAGICAL THINKING".  It's ANTI-SCIENCE and GROTESQUELY Irrational despite its being adoration-ally Innocent.  We must NOT Confuse the Past with the HISTORICAL Past.  It is only through [the Study of] History that we can Navigate the Present, since it is History that Provides Orientation.  

My Obeisance to Vainglory DEMANDS I issue  >>>>  'I want to put the STUD in Study'.

Rock steady........Steady as She goes....

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