Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Extinction-al Inundation

The Other Day I asserted that the FAILURE in Afghanistan was IDENTICAL to the FAILURE of American Democracy.  I tagged the AmeriKKKan Neo--Confederacy as EQUAL to the Taliban.  Democracy FAILED in Afghanistan as it had FAILED in Viet Nam.  I `drew` this Parallel in Effort to afford PLAIN-AS-DAY Example.  I view Reality as Composed of COSMIC `Definitives` and label such Definitives as MESSAGES from the Divine Infinite.  Here it is where I harbor Jung's "Synchronicity" as PROVEN Paradigm, meaning, THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS 'COINCIDENCE'.  I   FULLY  Acknowledge the `Mystical` Aspect of such Creative Thinking.  But I MUST Profess Jung's Brilliance in ascribing MEANING to reflective 'Co-Incidence'.  

In the West, Primal Conflagration IS EATING AMERICA ALIVE.  So it is THE SAME EXACT with AmeriKKKan Tribal Neo-Confederate-Ism DEVOURING Democracy and democraps WHOLE and with the Primal EASE of "Great Flood" Extinction-al Inundation.  

Fire as Flood.  

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