Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Lagorious Buffoonery

 I KNOW myy Internal (Imaginary) Hardship manifests as Fury and Sorrow.  The Fury itself has Bitterness and Resentment as unruly Components and it doesn't help that I'm TEMPER-Mental and morosely (covetously) Moody as well.  My Guy and Legendary Sax-Man Wayne Shorter once described Humor as being SERIOUS.  I LOVE that >> "Serious Humor" as he put it.  My Gal and Hero Joan Rivers once responded to a Heckler with, "Get over it (asshole)  Humor is how we Deal with Pain."  

Death has repressed myy ability to Humorfy.  It has produced a near paralytic Coma-Osity that itself manifests as lagorious buffoonery.  Funny shit just AINT fucking funny because of Death's Proximity.

My apartment Mate Phlip Demers use-ta adminsiter a Hippie Adage of Consolation ::  [When things are TOTALLY Fucked uP you GOTTA] "Keep the Faith".

I extend this to ALL my Gentle Readers  >>  Keep the Faith  << .

Rock Steady........Steady as She goes....

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