Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Terror Bull

 It's `As If`  joe's  'Theme Song'  is the Beatles' "Yesterday".  It's too bad that it ain't Dylan's, "The Answer, My Friend, Is Blowin' In the Wind".  And here I tag 'Wind' with "The Winds of CHANGE".  Living in a Perpetual Yesterday OBSTRUCTS any and ALL Vision of a Future.  Living in a Perpetual Yesterday DENIES the Proximity of Impending Reality, a Reality that is ALWAYS just `on the VERGE` of Cosmic Realization.  I proffer that Living in "Just Now" is a Kind of Mystical Experience, that Reality Itself is a CONVERGENCE of All Past and Future Time, a Convergence that somehow encapsulates the Known with the Unseen TURBULENCE of the Unknown, which we may as well tag as FEAR.  Here it is where "Fear of the Unknown" Qualifies the Future as Terror-ble.  

Here it is where the repbubliKKKans are Terror-BULLS.

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