Wednesday, July 14, 2021

"Hear no Evil, See no Evil,, Speak no Evil".

 I will be the First to signal Joe that HE MUST RESIGN the Presidency for "Conflict of Interests" and "Righteous Inability".  According to Me, Joe is living in a 'Faith Based' Delusion that is only `whispers` away from trump's "Make America Great Again".  Here it is where joe and donny SHARE Geriatric Imbecility, the Imbecility that DECRIES Existing Reality and FAVORS a Grotesque Attachment to "The Way Things WERE".  When I hear joe say, "We are AMERICANS we can do ANYTHING" I am filled with Insolent CONTEMPT.  Upon WHAT, exactly, is that DELUSIONAL Declaration based ?  Democracy ?  Did he mean, "Democracy can Do Anything" ?   I aint buyin' it, not for a nickle >>> not for a cent.  

Joe's fucking Interests were SELF-SERVING.  All he ever `wanted-to-be` was POTUS.  He has BRUTALLY mistaken his 'longevity' with COMBAT Resilience.  Joe's a TALKER  not  a FIGHTER, as are almost ALL the democraps now 'holding' Office.  Media and University Political Scientists agree >>>there is abject URGENCY to UPHOLD THE CONSTITUTION'S MANDATE to KEEP Elections Free and FAIR, Meaning, It's 'up-to' the Government to MAINTAIN and GUARANTEE Voter Safety and Election SECURITY, both of Which are being Threatened by Neo-Confederate SEDITIONISTS.

It appears that joe is UNWILLING to "Call a Spade a SPADE" ---Fearing, for some UNGODLY Reason, that the America of his Boyhood, would be ELIMINATED from History and therefore his Present would have no Foundation for VALID (Historical) Justification.  

Joe is Blind.

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