Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Dire Real


I'm so angry I could cry.  I waited, as you did, to hear what Biden had to say about Voting Suppression.  I adjusted the Day to get the mowing done before his address.  I confess,, what I WANTED  was a "Fire and Brimstone" `Conflagration from HELL` that would Ignite SERIOUS `Torches of Illumination` to be held at the feet of those democrats whose  EGO's somehow Prevent them from aligning themselves with "Truth, Justice and the American Way".  

Instead all joe was able to deliver was a 'sing-song' rendition of "The Past Should Be The Present".  

I warned you Kidz that Joe was too fucking OLD to manipulate the Intra-Political Psychological Machinery necessary to avert National Disaster.  Joe and his have been Avoiding DIRECT COMBATIVE CONFRONTATION, in the `Public Theater` for Reasons that only Cowardice can Explain.

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