Tuesday, July 6, 2021

The OWWW in Out

 I never though I'd be here--alive that is.  Now that I AM Here I Feel As If I OWE at least a qualified SOMETHING to Humankind that would Express myy, for lack of anything better, Gratitude.  But Gratitude doesn't `cut it`.  I have Doubts, Misgivings and a prolonged Sense of Whatthefuck that prohibits any RATIONAL Apology of Abject Surrender and Judicious Forbearance.  Ancient Bible-Ists considered 'leaving behind' a Testament as the DUTY of a God-Fearing Man ~~~ as if THIS would be some sort of TAX on Existence itself as though just reg-lar Suffering wouldn't be considered ENOUGH.  No and FUCK NO, `it` aint Enough, not even CLOSE to Enough-----------I'm lookin' at a Contribution that Contributes an [Evolutionary] ADVANCEMENT of Civilization ~~~  A One that not only AIDS Others on the Path of Spiritual Fulfillment but Provides Matter-Of Fact PENETRATION into the Causes and Results of Reality------a Reality that I have signaled as Karma Driven.  

I have It in meee, THAT aint the Problem ~~~~~~~~~~~~the Problem iz  getting it OUT.

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