Tuesday, July 6, 2021


 I have Everything `Figured-Out`.  And when I type 'Everything' I mean EVERY-THING.  The Difficulty is ~~~ when I go to send it up onto this Screen it all reads as wild-born nonsensical GIBBERISH, the hard-core Intellectual PORNOGRAPHY of a Sense and Sensation Based RADICAL Sexology that resides in "You're either Fucking" or "You're gettin FUCKED".  Shit ---------exactly how far does THAT get you?  Not Far, trust me.  Here I am ~~wanting to Save The World one Word, one Sentence at a time and all that results is a Fear-Driven Mania >> the [Un]Well-Spring of Categorical Insanity.  I KNOW I harbor a somewhat PERNICIOUS Desire to receive a dire-warned Forgiveness BECAUSE I'm old and INSANE, but if EVERYBODY is ALSO Insane THAT reduces me to nothing more than mere Cliche.  It's Yossarian in Catch-22  ----  You CAN'T Claim Insanity if THE WORLD IS INSANE.  That's "Catch 22".

As Doc Daneeka bounces,  "That's some Catch".

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