Wednesday, July 14, 2021


Some of U are about to scream, WHY DON'T YOU JUST DECLARE BIDEN  THE CAPTAIN OF TRUMP'S TITANIC ???   That Trope would wirk, because it wirked when I applied it to donny.  Thing is, the Titanic Catastrophe is just so fucking ROMANTIC I just can't STAND it.  People with HOPE for a NEW LIFE Drowned in the Freezing Waters of Engineering Shortsightedness and Insidious Oversight NEGLECT.  I mean it this way ~~~ what if the  Mayflower had fallen Victim to Ice Berg, then what ???

At its Quintessential ESSENCE, the Titanic was Built upon Old School Engineering and Design Principles.  At HIS Core, biden is ALSO Built upon Old School Principles.  Now look was has happened. During his reign the Nation has seen 48 States succumb to Neo-Confederate Electorial Sedition.  Joe seems fucking OBLIVIOUS to the Truth of Civil War.  He maintains the Delusion of the 50's Post-Korea "American Dream".  

Joe's a Dreamer.  

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