I am fascinated by the loss of what I will tag, Moralic Integrity {Integrity based on Morals},, a Loss that defines the general Malaise of Trumpiam Dystopia . 'Malaise' is being generous if not flat-out kind -- as it is a characteristic of non-trumpists who feel the PALL of Criminal and DIABOLICAL Political INSANITY . It MAY be said that even the non-trumpists SHARE the Loss of Moralic Integrity which I am want to connect to the evaporation of Truth as FOUNDATION of Morals, Mores, Ethics and the like . If Malaise is Feeling then Morass is the Physical . We are floundering is a Social [Cultural] Morass in which there is no Justice and "No one is above the Law" is the BIGGEST >>>>LIE<<<< OF ALL TIME .
Saturday, November 30, 2024
Thursday, November 28, 2024
"Go to the Mirror, boy"
The Zen Mirror of "The Empty Mirror" is of little value in this instance -- here it is necessary to employ the "Mirror, Mirror, On The Wall" that we may be told the Truth AS IT IS -- what Kant tagged, "noumenon" .
Have we not noticed that trumpists are "deaf, dumb and blind" ????
But are they TRUE "Tommys" ???
Does the capacity for Enlightenment exist in them ?
Buddhist Dogma insists, "Yes" which IS >>> `The Dharma of Tommy Never-Tilt`.
Now here's one I'm-gonna struggle with .
Miss Guided
There's something of a paradox . On one side you have Levy-Brul's "Participation Mystique" ---> the NON-Thinking Primal Condition and on the other ---> the THINKING Conscious that IGNORES its own Filters and chooses instead a REINFORCEMENT of PRIMITIVE Instinct . "Double WHAMMY" !
For more-than Rhetorical Purposes it is necessary to maintain the Notion that the Body Politic has but ONE Mind --- that when it is sick [demented] the Body itself suffers--- we are presently 'living' that sickness and experiencing that Suffering . We project the One Mind of the Body Politic that we may inject "Cure" into the Political System since the Political System is itself a Manifestation of the Mind Politic . We can now ask, "Is there a Cure for the invasion {{INFECTION}} of the Unconscious into the ConsciousNess and therefore into {Political} Reality ? Well now, glad we asked .
Truth Kills
GENERALLY, it's understood that the Filters that prevent Unconscious Contents from invading ConsciousNess {aka Reality} are referred to as [the] Conscience (((= con - with : science -science))) . Trump is spoken of as having NO >>>Conscience<<< which supports me claim [that trump is a heartless piece of human excrement] . The Loss of Conscience MAY indicate a Return to Levi-Brul's "Participation Mystique" --- the Unconscious Connection that binds herd and flock animals and therefore is part of Animal Instinctuality . Folks 'side with' trump in an UNTHINKING manner manifested as Loyalty bordering on devotion and veneration {THAT'S the DISEASE} . They and he represent {perhaps not the best word for this context} a [now Biological] Move toward a WORLD in which THEIR "agenda" {again maybe a poor choice} is one of EXCLUSION --- where Exclusion MUST-BE viewed as a NEVER-ENDING "War against the Other" ... here it is where ANY and ALL perceived Threats MUST BE ELIMINATED !!!!!!!!!!!!
"Inside Out"
We are all familiar with the term, "Body Politic" . I have supplemented it with `Mind Politic` to expand its [the Body Politic] scope and measure . Also,, I do so to include Psychology as a means to penetrate Reality to expose Underlying Conceits that influence ConsciousNess* DIRECTLY. Here it is where we must perceive trump as the Manifestation of his own Unconscious which then MUST-BE connected to the Body and Mind Politic so that we may see the Difficulty an UnconsciousNess may generate if it is NOT restricted by Conscious-Ness . We've heard the broad-casters inform, "He says the silent stuff out-loud", meaning, he airs what should remain SECRET, the so-called >Inner Thoughts< whose very presence indicates Primal Instinctuality*, the one of the "Law of the Jungle", "The Instinct of Self-Preservation", "Eat or be eaten" and Others . We know that the Growth and Development of the Conscious coincides with the Growth and Development of Civilization,,, and here now the Concept of Civilization comes to the fore . I mean that this way : Civilization is the RESULT of ConsciousNess gaining an Ascendancy and in so doing, becoming a >Filter< that keeps Primal Instinctuality, in its place . When the Unconscious manifests as REALITY , all the Contents of the Unconscious becomes a Force unto itself, whereby, Primality* supplants Civilizationalism*--- here it is where REGRESSION is PROMOTED as "The Nu Future" .
Wednesday, November 27, 2024
"Questions 67 and 68"
What is there to be Salvaged from the 24 Election, if anything ? Specifically, what can be extracted and re-used or repurposed to build an Election Machine that can neutralize and then Counter trump and Trumpism ??? What are the guidelines and parameters to justify the Effort required ? Exactly what is the Understanding needed for such an Undertaking ? CLEARLY, the People have summarily REJECTED the damns* Vision of American Life, its problematical penchant for a Prosperity DEVOID of Taxation,, the ABJECT HATRED of Liberals and ALL that they "Stand For" , and the MASSIVE UNWILLINGNESS TO STAND IN FRONT OF THE GREAT MIRROR [and then] to SEE CLEARLY ???
All those folks that assured us that "Everything will be ok bc Harris is-gonna win" should be abjectly DISMISSED and DISQUALIFIED from democrap Leadership positions including Harris, Obama and ALL the transient riff-raff that promised us Victory . They and their ideas are PROVEN Losers . In all things going forward these folks should be left behind to wallow in their shit and piss of ABJECT FAILURE ... which then begs,, Who is there among us that can See Clearly and HEAR the Voices of the People ????
Good question ~~~~~~~ .
Tit for rat
Among the democraps, who will be "Man enough" or "Woman enough" to accept Responsibility for the DISASTROUS Outcome they assured us WOULD NOT HAPPEN ???? There can be no Political Expiation no Absolution if the Guilt of Sins and Transgressions are not addressed . All we've seen to date is an abject deflection of Guilt by folks who make statements claiming Harris "did all she could", that she ran clean, and worse, it wasn't a BAD Campaign since the margin of trump's victory was so narrow .
AREYOUFUCKINGKIDDING ME ?????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Since when does LOSING allow the LOSER to gain relief by declaring Victory ??? you know who does and did that TRUMPISTS . You can see it rite ? The damn-no-craps have become TRUMPISTS . Anyone see THAT coming ??? Me neither .
Monday, November 25, 2024
"One Nation Under God..."
What's to be done with the "Pledge of Allegiance" ? CLEARLY there aint even one Truth among the sentences since we are UTTERLY divided, Truth is NOT part of the Foundation and when Truth is removed, there can be no Justice . "Liberty and Justice" ? Illusions, both .
There's NO Guarantee the trump will EVA leave the White House , he has said as much, claiming his only mistake was just that--- leaving the White House in ---> the FIRST PLACE . Keep in mind who's behind trump --- folks considered it IMPOSSIBLE that Fascism could be the Electoral Choice of MILLIONS of Americans . Four years from now, IF there's an election and I am of the Belief that there will NOT be Elections {"We won't need you to vote any longer"} .
Rhetorical Polemics
Somewhere in "Out There" is a series of blogs I wrote about "In God We Trust" and how that phrase EPITOMIZES the NON-SEPARATION of "Church and State" . Every time we handle currency it is IMPOSSIBLE that "In God We Trust" DOESN'T effect us in some Subliminal Way . It's the thing about 'unremitting reinforcement' --- it drives 'beliefs' into out Psyche and alters are brain to conform to its demands . Know this : "Repetition is POWER". Believe it.
Here, now, God's WILL is manifested AS Currency . Indeed, God's Will IS Money . Now recall this, "The love of money is the root of all Evil." Let's extrapolate , If God is Money and Money is the "Root of all Evil , then God, "is the root of all Evil" . Tough-one I know .
Thursday, November 21, 2024
We know from Pirsig that the Consciousness of Modern Western Man has, as its Essences, those of the Olympians via address by Homer, the Blind Poet . Everything that a Man could be, SHOULD BE, is found within the pages of the Iliad, and the Odyssey . Western Man values War -- sad, it is .
A Real Man is Virtuous . Here it is that to be recognized means that the Society and Culture should Value Virtue . If Society and Culture do NOT Value Virtue a Real Man cannot be recognized . Inferiors take their place . If a Society and Culture view Virtues as Weaknesses , then they both will seek exploitation . "There's a sucker born every minute." "Let the peasants eat bread."
"Of what need do the Poor have for food ?"
The Prostitute of Social Intercourse
Is trump a 'real' man ? He's OBVIOUSLY from another dimension . What are the signs, marks, traits, characteristics , attributes, flaws, degenerations* and deformities that prove Human Status ?
What is a Real Man ?
There were Efforts in the 70's to deliver definitions of Man-ship to the Young + Stupit -- I among them . 'It' took the form of simple sentences, straight forward, to the point . "Real Men eat vegetables." Ya had to love the Effort but the MESSAGE ? Woe upon woe .
There was a sub-culturistic* desire for Chivalry --- Females wanted IT-ALL and had every right to ask . Problems ????????????????????????????????????? Some did and some didn't --- and you never knew until it was too late .
Here's one now : Real men don't solicit prostitutes .
Pres the Lord
Ya gotta appreciate the fucking DIABOLICAL Beauty of trying to advance gaetz to AG . You CAN'T make this shit up ! Know why ? It's BEYOND Unimaginable . Our Brains can't get there . That THAT is partly responsible for the damns* LOSS --- no IMAGINATION--- it was Status Quo INSIDE THE BOX ---> ONLY !!!
It was a "Rape-job" --- gaetz az "Dick" --- the doj as whimpering slut in a darkened back alley . Form South Park : "Rape is BAD okay ?" You wanna believe it -- that Rape is BAD but is it REALLY ??????????? Nope, of course not--------------------> trump is prez .
The Drug, "Fuck and Suck Fest"
In the 70's it's a Feast of Bacchus , "Sex and Drugs and Rock and Roll" , Orgy for the rest of us . "The Way of All Flesh" --- Hedonism at its Prime . Enter Matt Gaetz , proponent of Bacchanalia . OBVIOUSLY the sex with a minor, her age unknown to him, is "questionable" . Should his predilection for drugs and sex be a DIS-Qualifier ? Remember when Bill Almighty was getting sucked-off from beneath his desk in the Oval Office ? I remember blogging that we did NOT use Moral Standards to gauge the Competency of ANY Man -- mainly because IT'S NONE OF YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS . But here's the Deal with trying to pin the assess' tail on Gaetz , HE ISN'T EVEN QUALIFIED TO SHINE SHOES !!!!!!!!! There's so much more about him that REEKS of both Dunce and Cur . Can it be written that "Hedonism is the LEAST of our Worries for White House $ervants" . ?? I think it can .
One of the 'Essences' of Democracy is Capitalism and Capitalism's Essence is Competition . Check out this syllogism : IF we are all Equal, THEN what need is there for competition ?[Since anyone is equal to anyone else, it wouldn't matter.] You can see it rite ? Here it is where the Realm of "Better" is the Foundation of the Psyche of the Body Politic --- folks want a BETTER life . It is Competition that defines what {or whom} is "better" . Technically, there's no way to know what or who is `better` until a Competition produces the Result .
In America, the Election produced the Belief that trump was "better" than Harris and therefore, Fascism "is better than" Democracy . The History of Hitler, Mussolini, Pol Pot, and the other Fascists DID NOT MATTER --- which means, HISTORY DOES NOT MATTER, I mean, to trumpists . 'That' shouldn't be surprising in any way since History is the Truth-as-Depiction of the Passage of Human Time .
"And the rocket's red" scare...
You gotta figure that Democracy was just too weak to take on Billions upon BILLIONS . 'Brain-Washing' cost that much and musk had it to invest in a form of government that was chronically friendly to him and his . All that mattered was the Almighty Dollar , and toward THAT 'end' , it was CAPITALISM that secured its DOMINATION for {at least} the next 4 years . Folks have forgotten ALL the Great Failures of Democratism*, beginning with Vietnam, Iraq, Egypt, Syria, Gaza, the West Bank ~~~ these Failures DEFINE Democratism , its LATENT Inability to do "The Right Thing", achieve DIPLOMATIC Solutions instead of resorting to "Right Is Might" hegemony . In this, democraps* are hideously SUCCESSFUL at Failure . It must be remembered that the goal of Imperialism IZ to secure new markets FOR CAPITALISM --- Democracy is none-other than a "Wolf in sheep's guise" a fairy-tale lullaby that is used to disarm the Suspicious -- to make them believe that Democratism is for 'nations' that need development along very precise 'lines' . Altruism as guise .
Wednesday, November 20, 2024
Miss Spent
There's really one question and ONLY One Question and IT is,
Will there be further Elections ?????
Why would trump RISK it . Remember his Power is ABSOLUTE . He can do ANYTHING he wants WITHOUT any fear of Justice reprisal ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ANYTHING !!!!!!!!!!!
He's about to Declare a ----> NATIONAL EMERGENCY so that he can direct the Mil to begin Mass Deportations -- not only at the Border but EVERYWHERE in the U$ .
Here's my second, ONLY One ; Will the Mil >>>>obey<<<< ? We KNOW that even the Mil CANNOT BE TRUSTED -----------Remember Kent State ??? "FOUR DEAD IN O-HI-O" .
Are you telling me that the Feds WON'T use "Lethal Force" ???? Bullshit !
Miss Placed
Forgiveness doesn't 'appear' until problems are solved, issues rectified, and injustices neutralized --- but even at this point, is Forgiveness even Possible ? I've employed my Heretical Nature to disqualify, "Forgive them Father, they know not what they do" . The political Sanhedrin crucified Jesus in order to squelch ANY notion of Insurrection by Jews AGAINST the Roman Empire . They KNEW WHAT THEY WERE DOING !!!! --- so when Jesus sputtered, "They know NOT what they do" is CLEARLY `misplaced` . I mean it this way : Jesus KNEW He was to sit at the Right Hand of His Father --- isn't THAT an indication that NO MATTER WHAT he was to be Saved . {??} It is . Are we as Jesus ? No .
When the Reign of trumpian TERROR has been arrested, THEN, perhaps, Forgiveness may register upon the Psyche of a Sorrow Stricken half-Nation . Until then, What ?
The word is "crestfallen" which BARELY describes the State of Dys-Ease* that our half-nation is experiencing . The Cries, Laments and Wails can be heard and FELT as the LOSERS bemoan their loss of Control . 2 words : STUPIT !!! Crying over "spilt milk" avails us NOTHING--- and worse, for the most part, there can be no Consolation because it is said that "Sorrow" does NOT afford Consolation" [by definition] because of its very Nature . Here now, "Crestfallen" and Sorrow STRICKEN, `Stricken by Sorrow`, as if and as though Sorrow, itself, has been WEAPONIZED .
"Winner Takes All"
{Aint no `help` conin' from nowhere} . The damns* are at it AGAIN. They continue to express the positive that the $enate will MIRACULOUSLY neutralize trump's Fascist agenda by refusing to accept his Choices for Cabinet Ministry . They had their chance, remember, they COOD-AVE stopped him "DEAD in his tracts" had they voted to impeach him . Now, the damns are HOPING that the $senate will "find its spine" and object to trump and Trumpism in such a manner that reinforces what remains of Democracy's Principles and Virtues, a something that will reflect the MINORITY's >>>wishes<<< to re-establish SOME semblance of Governing Sensibility . 2 words : : IT AINT-GONNA HAPPEN !! Trump not only won the Election but he hit the TRIFECTA , meaning the $enate the Hou$e and the Courts . No one or Nothing can stop trump --- not one thing ---- he won it all .
Monday, November 18, 2024
You start asking questions and it, [the question asking], just won't fucking END . To ask what is the True Nature of Fascism, is to ask, What is the True Nature of Democracy ? ARE there 'Truths' in Fascism ? If so what are they ? Same with Democracy ~~~~ . You can see 'it' rite ? Stolen not stolen------------ it really doesn't matter . What DID matter was the sickening adoration spewed upon trump and Trumpism . The Truth had NO part in the Election ---- and when you get down to THAT >>> It was TRUTH that DID NOT MATTER, it was to be registered as INSIGNIFICANT, according to trumpists,, who voted their FEELINGS and forsook Truth because it was so MONSTROUSLY Egregious . In the 'end' all that DID matter was trump himself, and I'm speaking here of his 'presence' for surely if his folks were tuned into Truth, you-gotta-wanna Believe that they would have voted the other way --- I mean, you wanna BELIEVE that normal humans would have some sort of mechanism that would [somehow] provide leverage to pry out Truth . I ain't buyin' it . Here it is where FAMILIAL bonds far outweigh Common Sense, Logic and Higher Order Reasoning . Here it is where, "Blood is thicker than water." THAT was their 'shared commonality' ---> Blood-lust .
Sunday, November 17, 2024
The Truth BLURTS
Is there an ULTIMATE QUESTION that can be asked whose answer supplies both Orientation and Trajectory for a Road Forward into a VIABLE Future ? Which begs : Even if Truth is restored to FOUNDATIONAL* Reservation will 'IT' be enough to re-establish a HEALTHY >dynamic< between TWO 'Parties' in the CLASSIC Tradition of Democracy ???? ! Of course not---how can 'it' if there is no republican party ? The party is OVA . So then you-gotta ask : Is there Truth in Fascism and if so, what is its Nature ? Fascism exists --- THAT may be the only Truth required .
It's EZ to get trapped in the miasma of both blame and guilt . Folks want to blame trumpists for being so fucking childish as to vote for trump who, to some of us, IS the Political Pied Piper . They heard his voice and it was "Music to their ears" so much so that THEY BELIEVE EVERYTHING HE SAYS -----------> WITHOUT QUESTION !!!!!!! And so they followed [follow] him wherever he takes them with reverence and veneration . Holy FUCK gets us there .
"It aint-gonna do no good" to address trump electors for being ANTI-Truthers, it makes no ethnological sense, this is America where you can believe anyfuckingthing* you want to and you are free to B--R--O--A--D--C--A--S--T your beliefs using any platform you wish . This so-called "Freedom" {{{free dumb}}}
I used 'reverence' and 'veneration' to connote the Religion aspect {component} of Trumpism which would then allow me to introduce the "UNION of Church and State" as the complete VIOLATION of Constitutional Exaction . I was the FIRST to write : "In Trump We Trust"--an expression that deifies Trump George Washington style in that trump has achieved an Apotheosis [of sorts] . You CANNOT blame someone for Believing as they do . You can see it rite ?
Gettin' `Down` on "fucked-up" .
Years ago we were enticed to "get down on your bad self", meaning to REDuce things to their most simplest [so] that clear Understanding cood* be achieved . So---what the fuck are we lookin' at ? Folks consider trump >>> Real ??? Fuckandahalf* . Isn't THAT the Problem rite there ? The INABILITY for the Electoral mass to correctly SEPARATE >Good< from "Fucked-up" . But look harder; they see GOODNESS in BOTH . You want "fucked-up"???? We got it rite here .
The AOC Paradox
Folks that voted for AOC also voted for trump . Ya gotta figure how DUMB that was(is) and in THAT vein we find >>> Dumbstruck, that is, Struck by Dumb . AOC was Dumbstruck ---AS WERE ALL OF US !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We KNOW that AOC is a raging liberal --- a one that is Pioneering Democratic Socialism even though it is in its nascent stage --- whereas trump has ushered in FASCISM in his effort to DESTROY Democracy and ALL its 'last vestiges' . You MUST figure that these two are wholly INCOMPATIBLE yet there they are >>> side by side as if and as though they are as natural as can be . She queried them .
WHY did you vote for me AND him ??? Their response was : `You both are genuine where genuine may be construed as REAL, where Real may be construed as, Authentic .` Here's a good word : flummox [to confuse; perplex] --- we will extract perplex from flummox so that bewilderment can have a voice . So folks voted for AOC and trump because they `are` Real ??? This BEGS wtf is your definition of ---> Real ???? !!!
Saturday, November 16, 2024
Lightning Rod
I must begin by stealing from William Wordsworth (1777 - 1850) his "Child is father to the man" line from "My Heart Leaps Up" aka "The Rainbow" . {{{ "When you steal, steal from the Best" -- Woody Allen}}} . Modern times inculcated this : "The apple does not fall far from the tree." We must agree that ANY 'discussion' of Manhood is dependent upon the `life and times` of BOTH Parents but for our purposes in THIS discussion, only the Father is featured . Elsewhere I have echoed-choed-oed , the Science of Psychology which supplied this : A boy learns how to conduct himself with women from his father . In this 'way' so it is with all the other characteristics, traits and deportments* which give rise to the earliest Male Identity and its concomitant abilities . HOW {by what means} you were raised is significant given this Known* : "Spare the rod, spoil the child ." In my case it was the steel wire handle of the fly swatter on my bare buttocks and Ivory soap in the mouth >>> my mother cooda-been a Nun . My father only hit me once, sending me sprawling across the kitchen floor . Trust me when I write you , I had nightmares as a kid .
Friday, November 15, 2024
Volitional Insistence
What I find interesting (if interesting is appropriate here) about my life is the Journey from Portuguese Catholic to Zen Buddhist Swords'Man . The Path can be explored in my Journals {{ Journ-ey ---> Journ-al}} . I've yet to tag my Journey Campbellian but for Rhetorical Purposes, [at least HERE] it is necessary for instructional reasons . I mean it this way : I didn't KNOW I was on ANY Path until I read, Dr. Campbell which then ALLOWED me to re-hear my Psych Professor Dr. Ken Ring who began my Journey with Jung's Man And His Symbols . Setting out WITH Orientation is vastly different than setting out into what cood* be perceived of as [entering] `the Void` .
I cood see it clearly, [for the most part] --- the Path Toward Manhood appeared-to-be identical to the Path Toward Individuation, that's the one where Unique Singularity is the outcome of Volitional Insistence , {Uncovering one's True Self} .
Arete ((pronounced uh-ret))
This from H.D.F. Kitto's The Greeks :
"If Arete is used in the context of a man, it will connote excellence in the ways in which a man can be excellent---- morally, intellectually, physically, practically . thus the hero of the Odyssey is a great fighter, a wily schemer, a ready speaker, a man of stout heart and broad wisdom {{Broad Wisdom}} who knows that he must endure without too much complaining what the gods send; and he can both build and sail a boat, drive a furrow as straight as anyone, bet a young braggart at throwing the discus, challenge the Phaecian youth at boxing, wrestling or running; flay, skin, and cut-up and cook an ox, and be moved to tears by a song . He is, in fact, an excellent All-Rounder, he has surpassing arete ."
Cato the Elder
I had the 'wear-with-all' * {where-with-all} to ask, What kind of man do I wanna be ? Which, inevitably led to, Well, what kinds of men ARE there ? . This THIS was-gonna take some time .
By 'petitioning' I gained entry into Dr. Ward's "Ancient Greece" Class -- here it is were I was introduced to Plutarch and his Lives of the Noble Greeks, and Lives of the Noble Romans . I had found a home wherein lie the Paradigms for a "Noble" Manhood . Here, now, Relief .
I found this from Plutarch on Cato the Elder : But a man who observed the ancestral custom of working is own land, who was content with a cold breakfast, a frugal dinner, the simplest clothing, and a humble cottage to live in, and who actually thought it was more admirable to renounce luxuries than to acquire them --- such a person was conspicuous by his own rarity ."
"Home, sweet, home ."
Thursday, November 14, 2024
Below the bellow
Yesterday I felt confident that today's 'first sentence' would provide the lubricant needed to release years and years of inner-most Secrets . That 'first sentence' was this : The TV series "Kung Fu" afforded a World View that was in DIRECT OPPOSITION to TV Westerns and ITS 'World View' . This morning, however, that first sentence is like a rusted-out freeze plug on a landscapeman's* steel roller . I mean, the rust acts like a weld, so it is with my Mind .
There is a 'School of Thought' which signals that some Secrets are to be "taken to one's grave" in order to keep {{Steve Miller's}} "Pointless Suffering" from advancing un-requested information, data,, and worse, Knowledge,,, into the Psyche of unsuspecting {un-protected} Readers . I have Agonized over this ------------------------ dysturbance* because in one hand the Secrets MAY be useful as a benchmark for other Seekers of the Truth, but on the other hand, there is the question of REAL >>> Value --- does the expression of personal Truths violate PUBLIC Sensibilities ??? We sometimes hear : "Some things are better left un-said ." . I mean, there's that ... .
Wednesday, November 13, 2024
"The TV series : "Kung Fu" changed my Life forever . Here I found my Self .
I must suspend this morning's production --- . Please forgive an old man .
The Orient
I didn't know WHERE I was headed . I didn't know {exactly} what the {my} Goal was, all I DID know, was that I felt shitty most of the time, and disconnected from The Campus's Psyche . I started hearing things ---- "Heart of Gold" among them --- folks wanted to be around others who spoke no evil, who were FUN to be around, blah-blah-blah --- I mean, it sounded good, to have a Heart of Gold and to be liked, to have folks WANT to be in your "Circle" . Ultimately I dismissed it, those kids seemed vacuous and chained to a superficiality that I just COULD-NOT accept . No, there would be no "Heart of Gold" for me . Years and EONS later, I was to "want" a Heart of BOLD . Where there is Boldness, there is a WILLINGNESS to accept RISK as a viable means to advance in a POSITIVE direction . But even before that, ORIENTATION was a problem, Orientation is like a Physics of sorts--- exactly HOW was I to be Oriented ?
Kidner's Garden
We relied on our parents and THEIR "World View" for the initial Code, that is, in order to satisfy THEM, where we were slightly less than coerced to adhere to their > Code, and for the most part, that Code that Society and Culture thrust upon them and so onto US by the Socialization Process . I am Portuguese and was raised Catholic so much so that Kindergarten and 1st and 2nd grades was spent at a Catholic Grammar School where the Nuns were FEARED . It was 3rd grade that saw my entry into "polite" society . You can see it, rite ?
It wasn't until Freshman Year at U. Conn. that I rejected God, mainly bc, and I learned this the HARD Way, You CANNOT "Petition the Lord with Prayer" {as Jim Morrison and the Doors projected} . God knows, {LOL} I tried . At that Point, I decided to find a Code that satisfied ME and MY Needs--- that's my Beginning ... .
Code X
"You, you along the road, must have a Code, that you can live by ...." Such is the first line from "TEACH YOUR CHILDREN", the second 'cut' off "Deja Vu" -- the 1970 release of Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young {Percussion > Dallas Taylor : Bass > Greg Reeves : Steel Guitar > Jerry Garcia .} The Song itself is 'gentle prodding', an admonition almost, that speaks to prevent Moral Chaos in the Drug and Free-Sex Sub-Culture of Hippie-dom . Within the Lyrics is advise to counsel one's parents as well .
This point is as good as ANY 'point' to begin a Discussion of Manhood, its Attainment and Maintenance . We can figure that the Hippies REJECTED the 10 Commandments, bc if THEY were Viable what need is there for a Code to supplant them ?
You start asking Questions and you find you MUST ask, 'Why do we need a Code to begin with ?' Above is my first answer . There are times when you just can't figure-out what is required for various circumstances and especially those that DEMAND an INTELLIGENT Response . Sometimes the Answer does NOT 'arrive' from our 'reservoir' of experiences --- so where, and to what,, do we turn ?
Monday, November 11, 2024
Getting to "Old School"
In order to get to "Old School" you-gotta walk uphill, in the Dead of Winter, DURING a Once-a-Century BLIZZARD .
I grew-up in a Time WHERE THERE WAS NO `OLD SCHOOL ` . Can you dig that ? Old School was STATE-OF-THE-ART -- CUTTING EDGE Definery* {expressions that define} in my case- from 1952 to 1964 . At this Time, America, too, was "Coming of Age" ... .
Here it was that Chivalry WAS the generally accepted Code and with IT so was the "Code" of the Wild West . You want Contradiction ? ``I gots your CONTRADICTION ryte HERE`` .
Getting to Know-where
Me and mine grew-up in the Realm of Chivalry . It would behoove my readers to indulge in Wikipedia's coverage of Chivalry in order that familiarization be actualized . Chivalry is a Code of Conduct . Within this Code is a Sub-Code for the "Treatment of Women" with regard to one's conduct and deportment . This starting point only SEEMS to be appropriate but I have concerns that Chivalry, as a term. was NOT part of male Socialization as far as grammar and high school are related . There were MANNERS and Social Etiquette that WERE relied upon to impose pressure to conform : among these, holding doors open, giving your seat to a Female and respecting the old and infirm . There WAS significant address directed toward young boys and young {{men}} to satisfy the demands of this Code if for nothing else -- to be a Gentleman-- a Man of the Social Graces -- and in THIS us guys struggled and STRUGGLED MIGHTILY . I mean, haven't ALL Us Gyze* found Girls, Chicks, Foxes and the like, fucking SCARY ??? I know I did --- shit ---- THEY STILL ARE !!!!!!!!!!!!
War as the National Pastime
Elsewhere I have written, "You either grow-up to Disney or you grow-up to "World of War" . Briefly, it may be said that Disney broad-casted the Values, Moral and Mores of the post WWII Status Quo, while "World of War" found disquieting acceptance as a platform not just for entertainment, but as propagandal* indoctrination . Where Disney found Killing a hideous expression of VIOLENT Criminality, World-of-War dictated a Killing-is-FUN diabolicism* that defined a generation that did NOT accept "All Life Is Sacred" . I accuse TV and Pop Culture of Spiritual Malfeasance in that no consideration was manufactured in order to ensure a HEALTHY media-environment . `It's` all "spilt milk" at this point and a 'closing of the barn doors' as well . However ... .
"Get the strap"
I am viciously reluctant to use my Generation's 'upbringing' as a Foundation for Ethnographic Analysis DESPITE the Logic that dictates I MUST . There are components of this Foundation that have been identified as `parental cruelty` as "Spare the rod, spoil the child" indicate : there are others, among those, "Big boys [girls] don't cry" ; and this one : "boys are made of piss and vinegar, girls are made of sugar and spice" ["and all things NICE"] . You can see 'it' rite ? I'm sure glad YOU can because I am dead blind.
The Apple of my Ire
I'm finding it difficult to find any 'beginning' for a `beginning` . Psychiatrists and Psychologists agree with, "The apple does NOT fall far from the tree", meaning, a son learns how to comport himself around women from his father . From this we can extrapolate : If the father is fucked-up, [then] so it will be with the son . ANY Study of the Male Psyche should begin with Dr. Erik H. Erikson's Childhood and Society "The Landmark Work On The Social Significance Of Childhood" . Here , Chapter 8 is of MONUMENTAL {man-you--MENTAL} : "Reflections on the American Identity" . Here is a taste from it : "All countries, and especially large ones, complicate their own progress in their own way with the premises of their beginnings . We must try and formulate the way in which self-contradictions in American History may expose her youth to an emotional and political short-circuit and thus endanger her dynamic potential ." {p. 287 Norton Publishing} .
Sunday, November 10, 2024
"One for All, All for One"
We can {must} appreciate the unwillingness to accept that all trump's Negatives are OURS-- that within each and every one of us is a TOTALITY of Human Existence, from Primal Instinctuality* to the Higher Order Reasoning demonstrated by Einstein and those of his Mental Ilk . This Same can be said of our genetic make-up, meaning , the TOTALITY of the Universe within our DNA . Here, once again, is, "The Micro-Cosm IS The Macro-Cosm = The Macro-Cosm IS the Micro-Cosm" . This is Scientific FACT . What is inside ONE of Us is inside ALL of Us .
Saturday, November 9, 2024
AC D See
It is now known that even x-soldiers voted for trump . Here's what I don't call them, patriots, here's the tag I prefer, TRAITOR . Should they be thanked for their Service ? Yes, should they be considered TRAITORS ??? How can you take THE Oath to Defend the Constitution and then vote for a wanna-be DICTATOR ??? That's just one of the Problems, to be dismissive of LOGIC and to defend FEELINGS !!!
Look at this : trump is Cruel and Heartless -- I identify with trump -- therefore [=] I am also Cruel and Heartless . Recall this : If A = B and B = C, then A = C --- we know this as the "Transitive Principle" . This Logic is IRREFUTABLE . And yet folks DENY the Truth of Logic, simply stated, folks DON'T WANT TO HEAR THE TRUTH nor do they want to be confronted by its exactions* .
I mean, WTF ??!!!
From Rogers & Hammerstein's "OKLAHOMA" "For me it's all or nothin' . Is it all or nothin' for you ?"
From J. Geils Band : "LOVE STINKS"
Within the Realm of, > "We must first SURVIVE" < lies the problem of the neighbor or high school chum who voted, un-apologetically for trump and his FASCISM : how are they to be "handled" ? Imagine a circle that contains ALL of trump, all the Badness, Cruelty, Heartlessness and shit, and then imagine a circle containing ALL of those traits and characteristics that define your neighbor and/or chum . I have heard the defense, "I voted for trump because I like his whatever, and NOT his negative, anti-human shit." Here the circles overlap ALMOST like those circles in a Venn Diagram . Here, folks simply deny that THEY "have in common" those hideous traits and characteristics that defines trump . Is this 'denial' valid ? Is it possible to share decent traits and characteristics while simultaneously DENYING the existence of Instinctual Animalism* ? Are We to consider the paradigm of Love and its Tolerance as PROOF that Negative shit can be TOLERATED because what is Love if not SUPREME Tolerance ? We LOVE our Partners and IGNORE their faults, blemishes and hideous disfigurements . Can that paradigm be used for those who "LOVE" trump ?????!!!!
Friday, November 8, 2024
The Pendulum is first a physical Indicator and second a Symbol for 'the movement of Time' in it's relation to Human-Kind's Experience of Good and Bad , where Good is short for Goodness and Bad is Evil . I use Good to signify those experiences that are Valued as Highest Order Health, the Health of the 'Body Politic', which includes {of course} the Nobel 8-Fold Path, and ALL those Virtues that have been "combat tested" and PROVEN to be Human-Kind's BEST Attributes : among these ; Compassion and {of course} Political Altruism . We can view the Pendulum as swinging [in an arc] from left to right and then BACK from right to left . We must view the swing from left to right as toward Evolutionary Goodness, and the swing BACK from right to left as De-Evolution Badness*, where Badness is Instinctual Animality* . We were at the end of the Swing toward Goodness {Obama and his} and now We are going to experience the Swing toward Badness, a Nu Reign of Terror, already recorded as "Project 2025" .
Fucked We are --- sideways to Sunday .
For Whom The Pendulum Swings
For some of Us, the Study of History is none-other than The Study of Human Nature . Despite knowing the History of Hitler, Hitlerism and Nazi-ism, Americans STILL elected a `sub-human` who is, for all intents and purposes, a reincarnation of Adolph Hitler .
In an Effort to seek mental comfort, we asked >>WHY<< but the Answer to this Question provides little Solace since savage Bewilderment remains as the dregs and dross of Democracy's Defilement . Here it is where there can be no Peace, no Comfort,, no "Mind-at-Rest" .
I have robbed Hemingway and Poe for this title --- I wanted to flush, "For Who Whom The Bell Tolls" and "Pit and the Pendulum" to address American Dystress* from the Election of a known, self-acknowledged >>> Dictator . BIG and SUPER-BIG Brains have tried to assuage Our Sorrow by stating that the Rise of Fascism is GLOBAL --- that Americans are NOT Different [nor Exceptional] IN ANY WAY, from Our Brothers and Sisters who live in Foreign Lands . Here it is where those of Us who are "Commoners" and who have been "Left behind", chose Political Paternalism and all Its heavy handedness and steel-toed boot-on-neck CRUELTY , as a means to Attack and PUNISH the Globalists whose idea of Future DENIES Us Commoners ANY Place in their Nu World . So it must be said, "Do not ask, 'Why the bell tolls" but know that the tolling is to Ring-In the Swing toward Anti-Futurism .
Thursday, November 7, 2024
Chump Change
Here's what I Believe : Harris was no different from Biden and just as Biden manifested the Status Quo within his administration so it is/was with Harris . Folks were SICK-TO-DEATH of the Status Quo they wanted CHANGE and Harris and hers provided >>>> NONE-OF-IT<<<< . You can see it rite, it didn't matter that Change WAS FOR THE WORSE all that mattered was the CONCEPT of Change .
Monkey See Monkey Don't
Elsewhere I have written that Capitalism has ascended to the Domains of Religion ; I wrote that "The BIG Lie" has, itself, been elevated to MYTH , and now I must introduce the Concept that the Myth, too, has become a Religion ;; that Trumpism IS the Religion of the Un-tied States . Understand that "The BIG Lie as Religion" does NOT meet the standard of raw Truth, but is itself a MEANS to help Us understand the Difficulty [ies] that lies [lie] ahead . We are NOT 'dealing with' folks who have ANY Capacity to discern Truth {anyway} --- so Truth itself may be of little or NO Value whatsoever . Here it is where We must NOT 'use' Religion to combat Religion --- here it is where Political SCIENCE is necessary to advance Us to our Goal = Liberation from trumpist FASCISM .
"Once more into the breach..."
Title from Henry V [the Fifth] . I couldn't resist even though we have been fighting this War for years,,,, and [have] been surrounded by a relentless Enemy who does NOT Value Life, neither his nor Ours . These Words are STIRRING, they enter the Heart as Nutrient and POWER , providing access to our Inmost Spirit, a Spirit that is connected to the Universe and all Its FORCE . Here Volitional DETERMINATION >>> MUST-BE <<< Weaponized that we enter ANY Fray with the Confidence of Goodness SURETY !!!!!!!
Scholastic Humanism
In my Mind there is one and ONLY One Question that MUST be raised , How is TRUTH to be re-established as the FUNDAMENTAL Orientation of the American Collective Conscious ?
It gets worse : How is the FAITH in Truth to be re-ignited ? It gets worser* still : How is Faith itself to be restored as binding Commitment to a {Utopic} Vision of the Future ?
I have a few ideas all based upon my Concept of 'Scholastic Humanism' --- the one of Historical Factuality* . Elsewhere I have proclaimed my self to be a Militant Idealist and in this vein can be found Scholastic Humanism . When I'm "on the street" I am nothing but a Redneck Intellectual and worse, an Intellectual BARBARIAN . It is the Safety and Security of 'the Cave' which allows me the Sanctuary of Independent Origination {of Ideas and Concepts} that provides [at least] a modicum of Scholastic Performance which then enters my writing .
The Path toward Liberation is KNOWN and has been Used by Those-Before-Us who have been bearing the yoke of political slavery UNTIL THEY COULD NO LONGER BEAR IT !!!! Theirs is OURS . "Ain't nothin' new here."
"The Yoke's on us"
More than HALF the Nation is FASCIST at its Core -- this Election was PROOF !!!! This FACT can not be denied nor can it be IGNORED . "The UGLY American" has resurfaced with PUNISHING Veracity . "America" must now be considered "in the Folds" of North Korea, Iran, Turkey, Russia and China . Trumpism defeated Democracy and it wasn't even close . Folks, once thought to be decent and honest, have chosen Fascism as their political orientation, THIS is the [baseline] starting point for ANY Strategy . These, "neighbors" are willing to bear the yoke of slavery and now will expect US to do the same .
"Darkness darkness, be my pillow"
"It is finished."
There is no time for grief nor mourning . Preparations for the Revolt must be enjoined with a steadfast commitment first just to SURVIVE and the second to devise strategies that will somewhat neutralize the "Darkness" that is certain to "fall" upon our Land .
Any talk, any discussion over and about the Loss is "crying over spilt milk" --- we must refrain from self-pity and it's demon, self-recrimination .
The United States is now the ---> Un-tied States, a term I devised years ago, to amPLIFY the Condition of Neo-Confederate Political Proximity . >It< is what >It< is .
The War against Ignorance, Hatred and Blood-lust MUST continue even though it [now] MUST be "done" is such a manner as to be protective of our Bodies , avoiding arrests {for one},, yet still effective enough to broadcast `The Will toward Human Decency` .
Wednesday, November 6, 2024
Land of the Last
The thing about Hate is that it's ALWAYS "Life or death", where as Love is NEVER >> that<< . Once again democrap's ROMANTIC desire to unify the nation with joy, and love and compassion and all that other happy horse shit served to be untenable .
Harris ran on, "I'm a nice guy" and HE'S criminally imbecilic . Guess what happens to "nice guys" --- go ahead --- guess .
Delirium Tremens
When New York turned to FAVOR trump I felt it was a harbinger of things to come . Sure enough ... .
Harris lost big to trump in EVERY area and on EVERY platform .
The People have spoken .
The People LOVE to HATE .
"It's the economy, stupid."
One serious poll recorded that Biden's dys-favorability* was at 76% . Look at that . 76% of those polled dys-liked Joe and his administration's handling of the economy --- 76% ----which "FLIES in the face of" EVERY economic report given by experts in the Economy Field . Folks either did NOT understand economics or simply refused to believe those reports bc all they REALLY needed was their weekly cost of groceries . It wasn't just a "hole" it was a grave .
Tuesday, November 5, 2024
Toxi City
We all know bout "comfort food" -- this morning I will engage in `comfort activity`, i.e., mowing leaves to reduce their size to granules and the like -- also to take air out of the mix . I thought I mite* eat all day, check that, get HY and munch out, until the votes are in and being processed . According to the folks that KNOW, the actual outcome will take DAYS to be delivered ... still It'd be Nice if Harris were to be ahead after this day and night have passed .
I'm still sick, I've been sick since about 6 months ago, the election like POISON that I MUST ingest DESPITE it's non-lethal toxicity ---- diarrhea(s) the presentation of my disease [dis ease] . I told you qool qats, I have the internals of a four year old {and boy was he glad to be rid of them} . Doing the leaves will supply sorely needed distraction and help alleviate at least SOME anxiety .
Remember this : Clinton WON but ultimately LOST bc of the Electoral College .... I mean, there's THAT !!!!!
Monday, November 4, 2024
I've viewed trump's campaign commercials in transfixed Horror. They are GOOD really, Really,, REALLY,,, Good to the point of DIABOLICAL GENIUS . I devised 'diabolical genius' sometime ago, ascribing the term to trump and trumpism in general . You [all] may object to 'genius' but no other noun satisfies the qualification of the Condition/Situation . Trump has 75 MILLION psychos at his "beck & call" {{{ where beck is short for beckoning}}} . You can't laugh at that nor scorn-and-contempt it away . It IZ because he IZ . His use >of his opponents views of him< to reapply those same to THEM is pure {or impure} GENIUS . Those ads are CONVINCING despite their raw and savage >>>>>>> FALLACIOUSNESS . Genius I say, fucking GENIUS ; hence DIABOLICAL .
Here is a contemporary example : the use of hospitals and schools as fortresses for Hamas --- grotesque -- hideous -----> DIABOLICAL . You can see it rite ?
Sunday, November 3, 2024
"I bring Sword"
Is there a standard for dealing with folks that normally you'd consider UNWORTHY of your company ? Actually there is although it's Biblical in nature . Jesus, the soon-to-be Christ,, was recorded as inviting every fucking low-life scum-of-the-Earth skank-ass to His dinner table as if and as though they WERE "Worthy" of not only His food {which in Reality was paid for by Mary Magdalene} but His Teaching as well .
Recall what St. Matthew wrote : "Jesus said, ' I come not to bring Peace, but [I come to bring] SWORD' ". Diplomacy gets us only so far .
The Nature of THIS 'Sword' is `Discernment` {but on a PRIMAL level = the Discernment between Good and Evil} . Here the Sword 'cuts through' the stupidficiality* of superficial sensation .
My primary care physician [a woman] voted for trump as did one of my dentists . When I confronted her she refused to talk about it . The fucking INCONGRUITY nearly exPLODED my head . The dentist said Obama had cost him THOUSANDS in added staff and TAXATION . I mean, wtf can you SAY about that ? If you are inclined toward the Principle of CARE how the fuck can you justify voting for a man who "cares" about ONLY himself ??? Apparently it's EZ* . "Money talks and bullshit walks" .
The Urge to Purge
I mean, this is it --- the War between Good and Evil and the Battle between the Principles of Right and the machinations of Wrong . Here it is where, "You can't fix stupid" can be supplanted by, "You can't fix Evil" . One of my high school chums said this about Harris, "SHE'S A LIAR AND A LUNATIC !!" ... . What the fuck do you DO with that ???? 2 words : nothing .
CLEARLY this chum is UNABLE to 'know' Goodness even when it is in plain sight and in full view . Psychology can explain this >disfigurement< as Devotion to the Father --- manifested in my Generation as, "Father Knows Best" . Now I use 'unwilling' because there IS the Chance that she DOES 'know' the difference between Good and Evil and CHOOSES >Evil in order to maintain both Love and Devotion to the Father [Almighty] . Whatever Negativity she sees and hears about trump she views as LIES . Is this the Sign of Truth Intelligence ? CLEARLY it is not , should she and hers be banished from the Rolls of both Truth and HONESTY ???? You gotta hold it rite* there .