We are all familiar with the term, "Body Politic" . I have supplemented it with `Mind Politic` to expand its [the Body Politic] scope and measure . Also,, I do so to include Psychology as a means to penetrate Reality to expose Underlying Conceits that influence ConsciousNess* DIRECTLY. Here it is where we must perceive trump as the Manifestation of his own Unconscious which then MUST-BE connected to the Body and Mind Politic so that we may see the Difficulty an UnconsciousNess may generate if it is NOT restricted by Conscious-Ness . We've heard the broad-casters inform, "He says the silent stuff out-loud", meaning, he airs what should remain SECRET, the so-called >Inner Thoughts< whose very presence indicates Primal Instinctuality*, the one of the "Law of the Jungle", "The Instinct of Self-Preservation", "Eat or be eaten" and Others . We know that the Growth and Development of the Conscious coincides with the Growth and Development of Civilization,,, and here now the Concept of Civilization comes to the fore . I mean that this way : Civilization is the RESULT of ConsciousNess gaining an Ascendancy and in so doing, becoming a >Filter< that keeps Primal Instinctuality, in its place . When the Unconscious manifests as REALITY , all the Contents of the Unconscious becomes a Force unto itself, whereby, Primality* supplants Civilizationalism*--- here it is where REGRESSION is PROMOTED as "The Nu Future" .
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