Folks that voted for AOC also voted for trump . Ya gotta figure how DUMB that was(is) and in THAT vein we find >>> Dumbstruck, that is, Struck by Dumb . AOC was Dumbstruck ---AS WERE ALL OF US !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We KNOW that AOC is a raging liberal --- a one that is Pioneering Democratic Socialism even though it is in its nascent stage --- whereas trump has ushered in FASCISM in his effort to DESTROY Democracy and ALL its 'last vestiges' . You MUST figure that these two are wholly INCOMPATIBLE yet there they are >>> side by side as if and as though they are as natural as can be . She queried them .
WHY did you vote for me AND him ??? Their response was : `You both are genuine where genuine may be construed as REAL, where Real may be construed as, Authentic .` Here's a good word : flummox [to confuse; perplex] --- we will extract perplex from flummox so that bewilderment can have a voice . So folks voted for AOC and trump because they `are` Real ??? This BEGS wtf is your definition of ---> Real ???? !!!
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