X-Mil-turned-Media-Mouths have viewed the Present Status of Ukraine Counter Offensive as [an] inch-by-inch Failure . The Soviets have entrenched themselves within gutter-in-trench fortifications because they themselves do NOT have the armament resources to advance . Ukrainian Forces do NOT have the MANPOWER to overwhelm said fortifications, and a Change-In-Operations CANNOT occur until the F-16's arrive ready for combat sorties . Recall that in the Vietnam War SUPERIOR Air Power did NOT "Turn" the so-called 'tide' against the VC .
In America,,, the {UN} Civil War rages in the now clandestine governmental {govern MENTAL} apparatus otherwise known as Congress . Individual States, Florida among them, have pursued a Course to WEAPONIZE Ignorance on the most hideous BARBARIC {if not flat-out SAVAGE} `dimension` of PRIMAL Instinct , an Instinct that 'favors' Isolationist Protectionism . Here it is where >a< Future {ANY Future} is summarily REJECTED as a VIABLE `Realm` for a 'Unified' Existence .
As expressed by a SUPER-Brain : "They don't care about winning ANY election, all they care about is {Inflicting PAIN and Suffering} upon their SWORN Enemies, those of Liberal Persuasion and Altruistic Virtue " .