Friday, August 25, 2023

Stale Mate


                      Did someone ever say, "Yeah, when INDIA lands on the moon." ?

                    Uhh   New Deli ???    We have a MIRACLE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                     Indians STILL shit in the streets .......................................................

Rock Steady ........ steady az She goze ... 


Me and Ukraine

                         "There AINT gonna-be" no Victory for Ukraine .   Efforts to make 'Putin's War' a GLOBAL Anathema have FAILED with PRECISION Accuracy .   Here it is where "The Third WORLD War " is nothing more than a ROMANTIC Delusion, a Delusion proven by NATO'S abject FAILURE to incorporate Ukraine into [a] {supposedly}  Democratic Unity {of-Fear} .   

            The EU >>>DEPENDS<<< upon Soviet Fossil Fuels .  They CANNOT "Bite that hand that feeds them" IFF they are to Survive .   So it is that putin has E-N-O-R-M-O-U-S 'leverage' .   

            The EU can NOT "Survive" without putin in the EXACT "Same Way" that American presidential contenders CANNOT "Survive" without the votes from pu---- I mean Trump---  Worshipers .  The whole deal that is expressed by "You can't {shouldn't} bite the hand that feeds you" DOMINATES World Psyche and {somehow} has become THE "Invisible" Source of [Political and PERSONAL] Failure and Dysgrace* .   





                        X-Mil-turned-Media-Mouths have viewed the Present Status of Ukraine Counter Offensive as [an] inch-by-inch Failure .   The Soviets have entrenched themselves within gutter-in-trench fortifications because they themselves do NOT have the armament resources to advance .  Ukrainian Forces do NOT have the MANPOWER to overwhelm said fortifications, and a Change-In-Operations CANNOT occur until the F-16's arrive ready for combat sorties .   Recall  that  in the Vietnam War  SUPERIOR  Air Power did  NOT  "Turn"  the  so-called  'tide'  against the VC .   

          In America,,,  the {UN} Civil War rages in the now clandestine governmental {govern MENTAL} apparatus otherwise known as Congress .   Individual States, Florida among them, have pursued a Course to WEAPONIZE Ignorance on the most hideous BARBARIC {if not flat-out SAVAGE}  `dimension` of PRIMAL Instinct , an Instinct that 'favors' Isolationist Protectionism .   Here it is where >a< Future {ANY Future} is summarily REJECTED as a VIABLE `Realm` for a 'Unified' Existence .  

            As expressed by a SUPER-Brain : "They don't care about winning ANY election, all they care about is {Inflicting PAIN and Suffering} upon their SWORN Enemies, those of Liberal Persuasion and Altruistic Virtue " .  

Friday, August 18, 2023

The Cruelsades


                        I gotta sharpen the chains on my electric chainsaws, which means I gotta disassemble them and put their chains on the machine --no biggy .   There is NO escaping this abject Necessity IFF I want to saw-work in RELATIVE `ease`.  

            Trump has cast himself as Democracy SAVIOR .  In this, therefore, Trumpism is Salvationary in tone despite being Tyrannical in measure .   This thyng about Trumpism, its Old Testament Biblical, wherein the God of the Old Testament was SLAUGHTEROUSLY* Merciless -- "Let not one be left  standing  among  the  living"  and  GROTESQUELY Cruel  ---  The Great Flood .

           "Civil War" MAY be a DISASTROUS 'misnomer'.   "Civil War" has been transmogrified into RELIGIOUS War, an appellation FAR more suitable .

Rock Steady........Steady az She goze... .

The Golden Cruel

                        Born into Original Sin ----  Born into "All Existence entails Suffering, i.e., Born to Suffer ;  it certainly  SEEMS unattractive where unattractive is code for "FUCKED-UP".   "What's a poor boy to do ?"        

            You can see IT ryte* ?   The entire WORLD is Born into Original Sin, that Suffering is the TRUE Nature of Global {Sentient Being} Existence .   How much does THAT Suck ?     

            From Phil Demers, "Life sucks, and then you die ".    You gotta ask yourself, "True or False ?" .


The Religion of Sin

                         There are problems {OF COURSE THERE ARE PROBLEMS !!!} .    I can see no way in which the installation of Geo-Political Buddhism proceeds in an orderly and non-resistant Fashion .   

            Keep in Mind the underpinnings of Socio-Political and Religio-Mythological  "constraints".   These Constraints bind our Minds to a pre-Enlightened ConsciousNess* --- a "ConsciousNess* of Pagan / Olympic Considerations enhanced AND Contaminated by Biblical [and Papal] "Authority".   Folks View Reality THROUGH the 'lenses' of Religion and Myth .   "We act according to the way [in which] we see things" to be sure .   Here it is where the True Nature of Humanship* is cast in Shadow-Horror ----the Belief in "Original Sin" AND "All Existence entails Suffering".   Many of us do NOT >>>"WANT" <<< to believe that we are in a PERPETUAL State of Suffering just because of "Adam & Eve" , nor do a vast majority of Folks {B}elieve that "All Existence entails Suffering".    

            The thyng* about "Original Sin" is the extrapolation that humans are BORN "Ugly" meaning that humans are Born in to a "PROCLIVITY" of SINFUL "Ordination".   {Here now the Religion of Sin ---how the fuck can THAT be ?}   Given a choice between Honesty and and DYS-Honesty* ,  humans are BORN inclined toward SIN ---here it is where Spirituality SEEMS >>>>ANTI-HUMAN<<<<<.  It makes no Sense .................................... .


The Pax DeSilva

                         The other night I awoke from a dream in which President Joe Biden came to my residence to offer me the Vice Presidency .   My first thought ?  ---> I will be President when Joe dies .  

            Many  Psychologists agree that dreams afford, "Wish Fulfillment",  in THAT `vein` I am running rich .   

            I'm figurin' I'd have to RULE for AT LEAST >>>800<<<  years if I were to attain my Goals,, and that's an honest assessment .   History is NOT 'kind' to "One hit wonders".   

            I have a Vision to unite North America with Central and South America, in order to advance a Global SOCIALISM that seeks to UNIFY the Forces of Good .   I can {rightly} GUESS that the Annexation of Central and South America would NOT "go over well" with the present day Policies of Self-Sovereign National Entities .   But {according to 1984} what's a VIABLE  alternative ?    Look at where we are at present .   Putin's Russia, Xi's China, and the unremitting {Pandemic} Disease of 'Anti-Futurism' that assails Old World Security .   


The Garden of Evil


                         Inspiration has been hard to come by, as of late.   Each morning, after Recitations, I feel compelled to write, but what I have to offer is flush with Shame, Guilt and a morbid sense of Futility, the one that Supposes only ONE Way to "Out" ---->  War .   I've listened to Scholars, experts and pundits---all of whom have resigned themselves to "A Nation Torn Asunder" [to be idiotically romantic].  The so-called "Tectonic Plates", the Political 'Continents' of the American World View, have "shifted" where shifted means , 'a CATACLYSMAL `distancing' of Truth from [conventional] Reality .  I feel ashamed that I have been unable to penetrate to ANY 'Source' that would {somehow} return the Nation to at least SOME semblance of Political {Jurisprudential} Rationality .