Friday, August 18, 2023

The Religion of Sin

                         There are problems {OF COURSE THERE ARE PROBLEMS !!!} .    I can see no way in which the installation of Geo-Political Buddhism proceeds in an orderly and non-resistant Fashion .   

            Keep in Mind the underpinnings of Socio-Political and Religio-Mythological  "constraints".   These Constraints bind our Minds to a pre-Enlightened ConsciousNess* --- a "ConsciousNess* of Pagan / Olympic Considerations enhanced AND Contaminated by Biblical [and Papal] "Authority".   Folks View Reality THROUGH the 'lenses' of Religion and Myth .   "We act according to the way [in which] we see things" to be sure .   Here it is where the True Nature of Humanship* is cast in Shadow-Horror ----the Belief in "Original Sin" AND "All Existence entails Suffering".   Many of us do NOT >>>"WANT" <<< to believe that we are in a PERPETUAL State of Suffering just because of "Adam & Eve" , nor do a vast majority of Folks {B}elieve that "All Existence entails Suffering".    

            The thyng* about "Original Sin" is the extrapolation that humans are BORN "Ugly" meaning that humans are Born in to a "PROCLIVITY" of SINFUL "Ordination".   {Here now the Religion of Sin ---how the fuck can THAT be ?}   Given a choice between Honesty and and DYS-Honesty* ,  humans are BORN inclined toward SIN ---here it is where Spirituality SEEMS >>>>ANTI-HUMAN<<<<<.  It makes no Sense .................................... .


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