Friday, August 25, 2023

Me and Ukraine

                         "There AINT gonna-be" no Victory for Ukraine .   Efforts to make 'Putin's War' a GLOBAL Anathema have FAILED with PRECISION Accuracy .   Here it is where "The Third WORLD War " is nothing more than a ROMANTIC Delusion, a Delusion proven by NATO'S abject FAILURE to incorporate Ukraine into [a] {supposedly}  Democratic Unity {of-Fear} .   

            The EU >>>DEPENDS<<< upon Soviet Fossil Fuels .  They CANNOT "Bite that hand that feeds them" IFF they are to Survive .   So it is that putin has E-N-O-R-M-O-U-S 'leverage' .   

            The EU can NOT "Survive" without putin in the EXACT "Same Way" that American presidential contenders CANNOT "Survive" without the votes from pu---- I mean Trump---  Worshipers .  The whole deal that is expressed by "You can't {shouldn't} bite the hand that feeds you" DOMINATES World Psyche and {somehow} has become THE "Invisible" Source of [Political and PERSONAL] Failure and Dysgrace* .   



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