Friday, August 18, 2023

The Pax DeSilva

                         The other night I awoke from a dream in which President Joe Biden came to my residence to offer me the Vice Presidency .   My first thought ?  ---> I will be President when Joe dies .  

            Many  Psychologists agree that dreams afford, "Wish Fulfillment",  in THAT `vein` I am running rich .   

            I'm figurin' I'd have to RULE for AT LEAST >>>800<<<  years if I were to attain my Goals,, and that's an honest assessment .   History is NOT 'kind' to "One hit wonders".   

            I have a Vision to unite North America with Central and South America, in order to advance a Global SOCIALISM that seeks to UNIFY the Forces of Good .   I can {rightly} GUESS that the Annexation of Central and South America would NOT "go over well" with the present day Policies of Self-Sovereign National Entities .   But {according to 1984} what's a VIABLE  alternative ?    Look at where we are at present .   Putin's Russia, Xi's China, and the unremitting {Pandemic} Disease of 'Anti-Futurism' that assails Old World Security .   


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