Saturday, May 11, 2019

5th Avenue, Earth

I must tell my Readers in Foreign Lands and Other Continents, Those Good Peoples that hold true to the Ideals of Democracy, that America in its Present Form is UNRECOGNIZABLE to those such as myself, Those of Us who were "raised" by Television and "Father Knows Best" propaganda, but who REJECTED  Governmental Paternalism, the one that sent OUR Brothers and Sisters to be slaughtered by Enemies OF OUR FATHERS' CREATION.  My Generation "took it to the streets", holding Rallies, Marches and Sit-Ins to PROTEST Paternal TYRANNY, specifically the Viet Nam War---and we held TRUE to OUR Values in the face of Govern-mental Atrocity.
The War in Viet Nam was ultimately REJECTED as Political Orientation, that of the Containment of Communism. 

This "This" was no pure Victory.  A Rabid and Feverish Exhaustion swept the Lands and Value Corruption infected the American Bloodstream that once held the Highest Order as "Make LOVE , not War". 

The Who rampaged it best with our Anthem ::: "Won't Get Fooled Again."

After ten zillion crackheaded years we have been "Fooled Again".

That same Tyrannical Paternalism has ascended in the form of catholic Perversionism, the one where Father is trusted to such an extent and degree, THAT HE CAN DO NO WRONG including killing some one in cold blood on 5th Avenue, Earth.

Oh how the Mighty have Fallen.....

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