Friday, May 10, 2019

Father Knows Wrest

I thought that, for sure, by this time I would have been able to reconcile Political Evolution with Human Evolution, splitting the Two as intellectual and scientific precision demands.  I wondered if the question of Global Political Degradation is one of DE-Evolution, the one that administers a catastrophic resignation to externalize Condition Dependent Exasperation  as Devotion to Tyrannical Paternalism, the one where Folks BELIEVE that ONE Man can restore Familial Harmony with a Savage
Tribalism that decries The Future, a Future that is viewed as DIS- Advantageous to "What-Once-Was" the Blessed Existence of All That Is Familiar As CHILDHOOD Peace. 

As CHILDREN, we were content with the Safety and Security our Fathers generated.  We were "taken care of", PROTECTED, by his commitment to US and our Family.  He directed our lives in such a manner that Ancient American Pop Culture broadcast as "Father Knows Best". 

I had, check that, I HAVE concerns that Childhood Longing, the Longing of "Returning To Forever",,  has opened a mental channel that produces the hideous Fears of Childhood Drama, the ALIENS that ravaged our psyches when we were  CHILDREN :::   boogey men, demons under our beds, monsters in the closets and heinous others.

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