Saturday, May 11, 2019

Reversion Eversion

There is no critical evidence that Humankind is DE-Evolving.  My Madness overtook me for a couple of minute-eons.  Psychological Evidence indicates a Mental Trauma Of Technology COLLISON experienced as Fear of the Future, when in FACT, what HAS "happened" is that Technology has "awakened" the World to the Awareness that "It", The World, has "come of Age", meaning, It's time for The "Children" to ACCEPT the Responsibility of Adulthood, i.e., that of "Self Generation", the one where the Children EXCEED the Attainments of the Father and Forge AHEAD into a Future of THEIR OWN MAKING.  In this, the Universal Oedipal Complex is "satisfied", the Terrible Father As King is dutifully slain,, and The People rejoice.

Obviously Killing one's Father is no immediate and simple execution.

Still, delaying the Inevitable is Psychologically injurious.

That's as far as I am taking it this morning.

Rock steady........steady as She goes....

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