Saturday, May 11, 2019

Child Is Father To The Scam

Trump and his Executive Branch have managed to transmogrify the Judicial Branch into a mutated E-X--T---E----N-----S------I-------O--------N of trump's MIND.  Here it is where "Father Knows Best" manifests as an idealization of Paternal Tyranny, here it is where Executive Authority is deemed the Absolute Power, here it is where trump REJECTS the Constitution Itself claiming that HE is Sole Arbiter of Justice AS HE SEES IT

We MUST try and understand that trump himself IS STILL A CHILD, that HIS demons, ghosts and monsters STILL exist as rampaging ALIENS.  His INABILITY to mature AS AN ADULT, has reeked a transnational terrorism of vindictive Cruelty so MASSIVELY heinous that IT is viewed, as I have perceived it, as DE-Evolution, when in Psychological FACT it is only trump's Childhood Perversions made Paternal Politics. 

I've said it before and I'll say it again ...We are living trump's Childhood as HIS Dreams and Nightmares.

The Problem is that the Congress awards him the Respect of his Office where NO such Respect SHOULD BE deemed "Appropriate". 

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