Friday, August 30, 2019

Cold Kitten Shit

All of this "beginning" is cold kitten shit.  Deeper and far more profound is the aspect of Past Lifetime Experience of the nature that causes in one the "sense" that the Study of Martial Arts is not only  a Health "Advantage" but one of  a sometimes DIRE need for some sort of "Self -Fulfillment", the one where you just don't feel good UNLESS you undertake such a Study.  The Karma of Lifetimes Past manifest here in THIS Lifetime as an "Unconscious Prompting", a psychological concept skillfully and richly addressed by both Dr. Carl Jung and the great Mythologist, Joseph Campbell.  This "something" that "drives" one to search for a School is predicated upon this Unconscious Prompting >>>we don't know WHY we must, but we MUST  in order to achieve an Inner Peace, code for, setting our Mind at rest.

It MAY be that we have the most blessed fortune of having an actual Zen Master push us in the Martial Arts Direction but it doesn't have to be such a One.  Knowledgeable Teachers, with clues to the Universe's Secrets, may recognize latent Talents and Abilities in us that can be uncovered to reveal our True Selves. 

Initially, Training generates physical Strength, the strength needed to execute the drills and then the Techniques demanded by whatever Discipline is chosen.

Now we are at the Beginning.

There's wealth in Health...... .

The initial desire for training in the Arts MAY be for "Self-Defense"--which is code for Self PROTECTION.  In the Realm of "You-never-know" a circumstance may evolve where one is FORCED, by prevailing conditions, to defend one's Self against an Assailant, although an entire lifetime might transpire WITHOUT such an Occurrence.
Some parents enroll their kids in Martial Arts Programs simply for the Benefit of Exercise and the attainment of Mental Discipline through Physical Exertion.  This is MUCH closer to the Truth of Martial Arts as a general principle.

The Founding Master of Shim Gum Do answered, "Why would anyone want to study Sword ?" with just one word ::  "Health".  Such is the True Nature of Martial Arts.

The Study of Martial Arts is for Physical and Mental HEALTH. 

Nag, nag nag...

The "pitch" for Martial Arts Schools goes something like >> "If you study Martial Arts then you will achieve 'Mind-Body Harmony' ".  I SUPPOSE that's true, I mean, it SOUNDS terrific, my only question is, WHY on EARTH would you WANT "Mind-Body Harmony" to begin with ? 

We experience Mind-Body Harmony when we eat and when we brush our teeth --it's no BIG deal.  When general movements become "2nd Nature" THAT'S when Mind-Body Harmony has been achieved.

The DEAL with Martial Arts is best expressed by a Kung Fu Master who defined, "The study of Martial Arts is for SPIRITUAL Reinforcement but [it] manifests as "Self-Defense."  This statement is a good as It gets.

So the problem is that Most Folks don't KNOW that what they REALLY want out the study of Martial Arts is Spiritual Reinforcement, they just "want" something that ends an Unconscious NAG that motivates them to look for a place to pacify that Nag.

The Other Name for Nag is Motivation.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

...stay Jung forever...

My Hero, Dr. Carl Jung, devoted his Life to emblazoning that Each Individual Has Within Him or Her a DIAMOND of Creativity.  This Creativity IS one's Life Force---  problem is we just don't know it, and if that aint bad enough, even when we do "know it", we get hung up with accessing that "Energy" which IS the Root and Source of one's Personal Power. 

The Next Thing is that "it" takes TIME to uncover, and worse, GREAT Effort.  It takes EFFORT to be Great. 

That' all for today  my ribs are beginning to ache .

Rock steady........steady as We go....

Let's Make A Steal

The challenge, rather, MY Challenge, is to bring you Kidz along for the Ride, meaning, FORCING you to read my stuff so you can SUFFER as I do--Fun Rite ???

I BELIEVE that Every Single Some Body MUST contribute to the Benefit of Human Kind, the Advancement of Civilization and, as if that weren't enough, Planetary Well Being.  Whether or NOT that's "the case" is irrelevant.  I just want to ensure that YOU KIDZ see EXTREME Importance in each of Your Existences.  The Ancient Chinese Philosophers BELIEVED "The Individual IS the Empire".  As each Individual "goes" so goes the Empire.  Lofty rite ?  Indeed it is.  THAT'S "where I'm comin' from".

Fortin's Book is HIS Legacy... .   It's MINE as well for that matter, since I  have the opportunity to transmit Buddha's Dharma THROUGH Marc's Life's Work.  In this I'm blessed.  Here it is that the Universe "speaks" though Earthly Existence.  It doesn't really happen often, and sometimes, even when it does, we sometimes ignore it, consumed as we are with "getting by".  Plus, there just so much good shit on TV, who has time for Vitally-Important Universal Idealism ?

I'm just askin' --- .


I want to make certain I emphasize that the Universe hobbled me, blew out my left shoulder, broke my ribs, gave me Cancer and DEAFENED me with Steam Whistle Shrill.  I gotta confess, it aint "all bad".  I can escape the Tinnitus by listening to Music, chain-sawing, mowing, live trimming and just being outdoors, where the Primal Clatter-Clutter of Insect Existence thrills and delights--- ~~~ ____ .... .  Doing what is OBVIOUS helps my Anxiety, keeps it from boiling over into Frantic-sy, the one where I'm like the "Woman Under the Influence" frantically waiting for her kids to arrive at the Bus Stop. 

I'm given to Frantic ~~  I'm Frantical.  I'm a Fanatic of Frantic.

After all these YEARS is STILL wonder  :::  What the fuck am I suppose to be DOING ??????

Alas the Universe has "given" me Direction--let's hope it aint Di-WRECK-TION.

"Go BIG Or Stay Home"

Ya know Kidz,  I'm in my 68th Year on this Hard Rock.  I STILL haven't resolved my Ability to Write with my Inability to Write mainly bc I'm a lazy fuck who'd rather watch the Tee Vee than Sit and Compose.   The Thing with THAT is, it aint as if I HAVEN'T remained devoted to my Life's Plan, which was to journal and diary along the lines of Anais Nin, I have done that and have over FORTY volumes of sheep shit dog manure cow dung and even BAT guano as proof of Delivery.  I've recorded my Journey Through Life as if IT were as important as Hesse's, Campbell's, or Jung's.

It ISN'T of course, how could it be ?   But-----------what I wanted to do was lay down my Life, as Hesse did, so that YOU KIDZ could see where I went and HOW I got there and What Was There When I Arrived.  It's the hold thing about ~~~ CONTRIBUTING to the Advancement of Humankind.  "Go Big Or Stay Home".

Does the life of one proletariat barbarian Scholar Swordsman "matter" ?

Good question. I'm thinkin' No Fucking Way--but THAT'S where Fortin and Gallogly Enter, and I mean "With FLOURISH".

The Solace of Silence

Elsewhere I discharged that "Whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger" is, for the most part, unreliable.  I believe that Whatever Doesn't Kill You Alters Your Life's Trajectory.  In  this vein runs the blood of   "Now What ?"  Once I was completely debilitated, unable to Sword or even THINK about Writing, I was forced to ponder my Next Thing.  What EXACTLY was the Universe's Intention, given that It had "given" me Cancer, Steam Whistle Tinnitus, and had crippled my left knee making even Walk-Through Sword a catastrophe of Pure Meditation. 

It aint as if I could sit  and read ( one of my Most Cherished) ---the Steam Whistles were murderously lethal denying me of the Solace of Silence, the One where there is Health-full-filling BLISS in sitting in Stillness.  Watching TV was, at times, a white-knuckle endeavor.   Have I mentioned the anus searing diarrhea ????  That too....

Good times..... .

How I Spent My Summer Radiation

Hi Kidz.  It's been awhile. 

I had to undergo Nuclear Bombardment, in the form of  X  Radiation, to kill the Cancer on my prostate.  It weakened me and annihilated not just my Will, but my Soul's Volition.  It was an ordeal even to think.  It was 10 weeks every morning, but not on week-ends.  Brutal gets close...savagely brutal a bit better....the Short-Of-It is simple,  I'm now one EIGHTH of the man I once was, but the better is also simple, I'm getting stronger, strong enough to extract a small boulder in a 6 hour stint.  Of course I can't move NOW but that's good bc I'm Here with Youse Gize.