Friday, August 30, 2019

There's wealth in Health...... .

The initial desire for training in the Arts MAY be for "Self-Defense"--which is code for Self PROTECTION.  In the Realm of "You-never-know" a circumstance may evolve where one is FORCED, by prevailing conditions, to defend one's Self against an Assailant, although an entire lifetime might transpire WITHOUT such an Occurrence.
Some parents enroll their kids in Martial Arts Programs simply for the Benefit of Exercise and the attainment of Mental Discipline through Physical Exertion.  This is MUCH closer to the Truth of Martial Arts as a general principle.

The Founding Master of Shim Gum Do answered, "Why would anyone want to study Sword ?" with just one word ::  "Health".  Such is the True Nature of Martial Arts.

The Study of Martial Arts is for Physical and Mental HEALTH. 

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