Thursday, August 29, 2019


I want to make certain I emphasize that the Universe hobbled me, blew out my left shoulder, broke my ribs, gave me Cancer and DEAFENED me with Steam Whistle Shrill.  I gotta confess, it aint "all bad".  I can escape the Tinnitus by listening to Music, chain-sawing, mowing, live trimming and just being outdoors, where the Primal Clatter-Clutter of Insect Existence thrills and delights--- ~~~ ____ .... .  Doing what is OBVIOUS helps my Anxiety, keeps it from boiling over into Frantic-sy, the one where I'm like the "Woman Under the Influence" frantically waiting for her kids to arrive at the Bus Stop. 

I'm given to Frantic ~~  I'm Frantical.  I'm a Fanatic of Frantic.

After all these YEARS is STILL wonder  :::  What the fuck am I suppose to be DOING ??????

Alas the Universe has "given" me Direction--let's hope it aint Di-WRECK-TION.

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