Thursday, August 29, 2019

"Go BIG Or Stay Home"

Ya know Kidz,  I'm in my 68th Year on this Hard Rock.  I STILL haven't resolved my Ability to Write with my Inability to Write mainly bc I'm a lazy fuck who'd rather watch the Tee Vee than Sit and Compose.   The Thing with THAT is, it aint as if I HAVEN'T remained devoted to my Life's Plan, which was to journal and diary along the lines of Anais Nin, I have done that and have over FORTY volumes of sheep shit dog manure cow dung and even BAT guano as proof of Delivery.  I've recorded my Journey Through Life as if IT were as important as Hesse's, Campbell's, or Jung's.

It ISN'T of course, how could it be ?   But-----------what I wanted to do was lay down my Life, as Hesse did, so that YOU KIDZ could see where I went and HOW I got there and What Was There When I Arrived.  It's the hold thing about ~~~ CONTRIBUTING to the Advancement of Humankind.  "Go Big Or Stay Home".

Does the life of one proletariat barbarian Scholar Swordsman "matter" ?

Good question. I'm thinkin' No Fucking Way--but THAT'S where Fortin and Gallogly Enter, and I mean "With FLOURISH".

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