Thursday, August 29, 2019

The Solace of Silence

Elsewhere I discharged that "Whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger" is, for the most part, unreliable.  I believe that Whatever Doesn't Kill You Alters Your Life's Trajectory.  In  this vein runs the blood of   "Now What ?"  Once I was completely debilitated, unable to Sword or even THINK about Writing, I was forced to ponder my Next Thing.  What EXACTLY was the Universe's Intention, given that It had "given" me Cancer, Steam Whistle Tinnitus, and had crippled my left knee making even Walk-Through Sword a catastrophe of Pure Meditation. 

It aint as if I could sit  and read ( one of my Most Cherished) ---the Steam Whistles were murderously lethal denying me of the Solace of Silence, the One where there is Health-full-filling BLISS in sitting in Stillness.  Watching TV was, at times, a white-knuckle endeavor.   Have I mentioned the anus searing diarrhea ????  That too....

Good times..... .

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