What does it MEAN "To be an Individual" ???????
We speak of "persona", "personality",, we hear of those who are "characters",,, indeed being an Individual has not only great benefits but great risks as well . EverydayNess* is Characterized by Those whose Isolation CREATES an Individuality that can initiate a bloodthirsty Savagery . Yet that same Isolation is highly sought-after by Artists who NEED Isolation in order to execute their own "Individuality" where Individuality MAY-BE code for Creativity . What the fuck is going on ?????
Shoshana forces me to consider that Capitalism and its Manifestation Consumerism MAY-BE a Form of Individualistic Spirituality . HOW THE FUCK CAN THAT BE ???!!!!!
Elsewhere I have suggested that Capitalism IS a Religion, wherein [whereby] Profit is "God". Same with Politics {Capitalistic Politics} and as such is [are both] subject to Religious Fanaticism and Patriotic Zealotry . Here, Congregation IS Army- and within THAT Individuals are members of a TRIBE, wherein Herd Mentality DENIES Individuality .
We have Work ahead ... .
Rock Steady........Steady az She goze... .