Wednesday, February 15, 2023



                    I'm leaving this here .

          I have embittered elsewhere that `Truth Kills`.   To Deny Reality is to Deny ANY 'Advance' into the Future .   DeSantis and republicans in general are Reality and [therefore] Future Deniers .  This THIS 'lends itself' to a Political Nihilism that manifests as [a] Neo-Confederate Neo FASCISM that MUST-BE "Addressed" by a Liberalism that VALUES a WAR-Time 'Militarism'.  

          Consider .............. .

Rock steady........Steady az She goze... . 

"Dell" Hell

                     DeSantis is an Individual --- a one of Power,, a one whose Measure is "Deep and Wide".  His PERSONAL "Voice" resonates among his citizens as THEIRS --- LITERALLY, He 'speaks' for THEM.  His Interior Psychological Structure manifests as Gubernatorial Influence and {worse} Authority .   His "Will be done" .    Here it is where Florida MUST-BE considered "Kingdom".  Here it is where "Colony" and "Apartheid" although restrictively attractive do NOT and CANNOT supplant Kingdom as precision 'Conditionalities'* ---nor is 'Secessionist State' applicable .    Where War is Reference so too must be General and/or Commander .   Once War is Referenced, Heroism and Bravery MUST-BE viewed as Essential FORCES within that Referential Structure .  DeSantis is considered HERO to the minion-masses of Antebellumnists* who LOATHE Modernity with PATHOLOGICAL Savagery .   

"Untangle the knots, soften the glare".

                    We're lookin' at a Clusterfuck of briars, brambles, Bittersweet, wild Grape and various specious of deciduous trees, along with conifers that may have found Space within the Plan of Mother Earth and her RELENTLESS "Square inch Farming".   Most of many of us have NOT had the experience of Land Clearing with chainsaws and chipper but because I am who I am, I MUST rely on this Image to represent the Clusterfuck of American Politics .     

          We're lookin' at 2 HUNDRED Years of Neglect and flat-out AVOIDANCE of the Necessary that would have kept Democracy as Pure and Pristine as Pre-Fall Eden .   In ANY Garden weeds sprout with invasive aggression and insidious aggravation in a competition {WAR} against the Order of Straight and Narrow Rows and the Laws of Big Harvest Pragmatism.   Here it is where HOPE is NOT a tool that can be used to protect potential food acquisition---no and FUCK NO !!!  The  Land  makes  demands  on  the farmer to wield hoe and cultivator to Ensure NON-Competition .   Steady, UNRELENTING Vigilance is the Obligation and DUTY of ANY {TRUE} Farmer if he or she is to experience Harvest Magnitude.

          America has been iconograhpically depicted as "The Land of Milk and Honey" -- the "New Jerusalem"-- and sometimes even the "Garden of Eden".   I mean Psychologically, "It don't get no better".   America is where "Dreams come true", a PARADISE of "You CAN always 'get what you want' ".  Such is the Myth --- I'm hard-pressed NOT to view 'it' as Spiritual Propaganda where Propaganda is code for Corruption .

`Goon over Miami `


                    We don't have to look "far and wide" to find Relevancy concerning "Psychological Self Determination" and the "Process of Individuation" ~~~ Florida Governor DeSantis is certainly "all we need".    He has proclaimed WAR on the "Woke", a CULTURE War, to be sure, but nonetheless the Socio-Psychological Damage that results will stretch into upcoming years [and I suspect] Generations.   

          DeSantis' War is most definitely a Defense against MODERN Liberalism  and a societal YEARN for the Socio-Economic Conditions of the Antebellum South---what I have tagged az Slavery Capitalism.  DeSantis has sought to "provide cover" for Children;;    a something of Devious BRILLIANCE in the same Vein as "Make America Great Again".   Who among us would NOT seek to protect Children and their Innocence ???   Who among us would even Question their Defense ???   

          What has been Questioned is his Tactics---the Disarming of Truth, in the form of Removal of certain Texts, Stories, Myths and Histories ---those of American Infra-Structure --- that have previously been  the  foundation  upon  which  American  Truth  rests {resides}.   Disarming Truth Disarms REALITY .  Here it is where Liberalism contorts under the Weight and Pressure of Propagandal* Dissonance --  that of Falsifications broadcast as Cultural Responsibility .  


Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Staid yet Pliant


                    What does it MEAN   "To be an Individual" ???????  

          We speak of "persona", "personality",,  we hear of those who are "characters",,, indeed being an Individual has not only great benefits but great risks as well .   EverydayNess* is Characterized by Those whose Isolation CREATES an Individuality that can initiate a bloodthirsty Savagery .   Yet that same Isolation is highly sought-after by Artists who NEED Isolation in order to execute their own "Individuality" where Individuality MAY-BE code for Creativity .   What the fuck is going on ?????

          Shoshana forces me to consider that Capitalism and its Manifestation Consumerism MAY-BE a Form of Individualistic Spirituality .   HOW THE FUCK CAN THAT BE ???!!!!!

          Elsewhere I have suggested that Capitalism IS a Religion, wherein [whereby] Profit is  "God".  Same with Politics {Capitalistic Politics} and as such is [are both] subject to Religious Fanaticism and Patriotic Zealotry .   Here, Congregation IS Army- and within THAT Individuals are members of a TRIBE, wherein Herd Mentality DENIES Individuality .   

          We have Work ahead ... .

Rock Steady........Steady az She goze... .

The "Process of Individuation"

                     Shoshana [Zuboff] is yet to offer Dr. Carl Jung's "Process of Individuation" as parallel to her own "Psychological Self Determinism".   It may be that she considers Jung's Work as general enough--Universal enough--that she needn't refer to him or his Process, since everybody knows or SHOULD know his Work.   {Man and His Symbols  for one}.   I must insist, that it's "Risky Business".   "Self Determinism" IS "Individuation" but in a 'material' form, and her 'IT' is dependent upon 'Consumerism' == which [of what] I have elsewhere tagged with `I am what I buy`.   I am elated and terrified that both of these These  can  be  Identified  {"I" dentified}  with  and  through   Zen's  "Looking into one's Self~~ and the attainment of Buddha-hood".    Zen CAN-BE described as a "Mystical Experience" whereas shopping in a mall is hardly Mystical---  I mean it CAN be, {if} given a vast quantity of mind-altering drugs---but not many are ready for THAT !!   It MAY be that 'Spirituality' SHOULD be 'connected' to Consumerism because SOMETIMES finding what you have been searching for is manifested as Religious Ecstasy.   2 words for that >>  "YIKES".  

          Shoshana claims the Desire for Self Determination as THE Primary Attribute {attribute here is being generous} of a Culture that [for her] has advanced away from an {Ancient} Status Quo in some sort of Evolutionary RE-Orientation that itself has Technological INDUSTRY as Singular Driver .  

          I was FORCED to ask myself, What the fuck are we looking at here ?

"Psychological Self Determinism"


                    When I awoke at 2 o'clock Joe Walsh was sounding in my head.   It was "Life's Been Good".  I knew instantly the 'topic of the day'~~~ that I had enough `stuff` stored, enough insight available, to write with conviction and clarity.   I haven't written since Jan. 31 due to "muddle, muddle, toil and trouble"-- the experience of Blur, Fog, Cloud and Fume.   I confess :  It takes Discipline to "Focus"--to gain entry and access to a Realm in which things-as-abstractions can be first scribed* and then DE-scribed with some sort of intellectual lucidity.   Even Clinical Analysis can "go wrong" in that Opinion is never modestly subjective---it carries the Weight and IS the Gravity of UnConscious Prompting which is hardly Objective .   

          I've been Studying Joe's "Body Of Work"--his "Definitive Collection" which begins with "Funk 49" and concludes with "Ordinary Guy".   I consider Joe a "Working Man's" Musician, Singer, and Song Writer .   Every chord he strikes, both Mind and Body, resonates within me as "Truth".   He is Serious Fun, he expresses his subjective Profoundity* with  a Body Wisdom and Soulful Excitement .   His Voice is both Plaintif" {Brotherly + Paternal} and Universal ---his Rhythms Hypnotically* Danceful* .  When you Listen you Move .......

          However, today's wurq* isn't about Joe, it's about Shoshana Zuboff's  Phrase :  "Psychological Self-Determinism" .