Wednesday, February 15, 2023

"Dell" Hell

                     DeSantis is an Individual --- a one of Power,, a one whose Measure is "Deep and Wide".  His PERSONAL "Voice" resonates among his citizens as THEIRS --- LITERALLY, He 'speaks' for THEM.  His Interior Psychological Structure manifests as Gubernatorial Influence and {worse} Authority .   His "Will be done" .    Here it is where Florida MUST-BE considered "Kingdom".  Here it is where "Colony" and "Apartheid" although restrictively attractive do NOT and CANNOT supplant Kingdom as precision 'Conditionalities'* ---nor is 'Secessionist State' applicable .    Where War is Reference so too must be General and/or Commander .   Once War is Referenced, Heroism and Bravery MUST-BE viewed as Essential FORCES within that Referential Structure .  DeSantis is considered HERO to the minion-masses of Antebellumnists* who LOATHE Modernity with PATHOLOGICAL Savagery .   

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