Tuesday, February 14, 2023

The "Process of Individuation"

                     Shoshana [Zuboff] is yet to offer Dr. Carl Jung's "Process of Individuation" as parallel to her own "Psychological Self Determinism".   It may be that she considers Jung's Work as general enough--Universal enough--that she needn't refer to him or his Process, since everybody knows or SHOULD know his Work.   {Man and His Symbols  for one}.   I must insist, that it's "Risky Business".   "Self Determinism" IS "Individuation" but in a 'material' form, and her 'IT' is dependent upon 'Consumerism' == which [of what] I have elsewhere tagged with `I am what I buy`.   I am elated and terrified that both of these These  can  be  Identified  {"I" dentified}  with  and  through   Zen's  "Looking into one's Self~~ and the attainment of Buddha-hood".    Zen CAN-BE described as a "Mystical Experience" whereas shopping in a mall is hardly Mystical---  I mean it CAN be, {if} given a vast quantity of mind-altering drugs---but not many are ready for THAT !!   It MAY be that 'Spirituality' SHOULD be 'connected' to Consumerism because SOMETIMES finding what you have been searching for is manifested as Religious Ecstasy.   2 words for that >>  "YIKES".  

          Shoshana claims the Desire for Self Determination as THE Primary Attribute {attribute here is being generous} of a Culture that [for her] has advanced away from an {Ancient} Status Quo in some sort of Evolutionary RE-Orientation that itself has Technological INDUSTRY as Singular Driver .  

          I was FORCED to ask myself, What the fuck are we looking at here ?

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