Wednesday, February 15, 2023

"Untangle the knots, soften the glare".

                    We're lookin' at a Clusterfuck of briars, brambles, Bittersweet, wild Grape and various specious of deciduous trees, along with conifers that may have found Space within the Plan of Mother Earth and her RELENTLESS "Square inch Farming".   Most of many of us have NOT had the experience of Land Clearing with chainsaws and chipper but because I am who I am, I MUST rely on this Image to represent the Clusterfuck of American Politics .     

          We're lookin' at 2 HUNDRED Years of Neglect and flat-out AVOIDANCE of the Necessary that would have kept Democracy as Pure and Pristine as Pre-Fall Eden .   In ANY Garden weeds sprout with invasive aggression and insidious aggravation in a competition {WAR} against the Order of Straight and Narrow Rows and the Laws of Big Harvest Pragmatism.   Here it is where HOPE is NOT a tool that can be used to protect potential food acquisition---no and FUCK NO !!!  The  Land  makes  demands  on  the farmer to wield hoe and cultivator to Ensure NON-Competition .   Steady, UNRELENTING Vigilance is the Obligation and DUTY of ANY {TRUE} Farmer if he or she is to experience Harvest Magnitude.

          America has been iconograhpically depicted as "The Land of Milk and Honey" -- the "New Jerusalem"-- and sometimes even the "Garden of Eden".   I mean Psychologically, "It don't get no better".   America is where "Dreams come true", a PARADISE of "You CAN always 'get what you want' ".  Such is the Myth --- I'm hard-pressed NOT to view 'it' as Spiritual Propaganda where Propaganda is code for Corruption .

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