Wednesday, February 15, 2023

`Goon over Miami `


                    We don't have to look "far and wide" to find Relevancy concerning "Psychological Self Determination" and the "Process of Individuation" ~~~ Florida Governor DeSantis is certainly "all we need".    He has proclaimed WAR on the "Woke", a CULTURE War, to be sure, but nonetheless the Socio-Psychological Damage that results will stretch into upcoming years [and I suspect] Generations.   

          DeSantis' War is most definitely a Defense against MODERN Liberalism  and a societal YEARN for the Socio-Economic Conditions of the Antebellum South---what I have tagged az Slavery Capitalism.  DeSantis has sought to "provide cover" for Children;;    a something of Devious BRILLIANCE in the same Vein as "Make America Great Again".   Who among us would NOT seek to protect Children and their Innocence ???   Who among us would even Question their Defense ???   

          What has been Questioned is his Tactics---the Disarming of Truth, in the form of Removal of certain Texts, Stories, Myths and Histories ---those of American Infra-Structure --- that have previously been  the  foundation  upon  which  American  Truth  rests {resides}.   Disarming Truth Disarms REALITY .  Here it is where Liberalism contorts under the Weight and Pressure of Propagandal* Dissonance --  that of Falsifications broadcast as Cultural Responsibility .  


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