Tuesday, February 14, 2023

"Psychological Self Determinism"


                    When I awoke at 2 o'clock Joe Walsh was sounding in my head.   It was "Life's Been Good".  I knew instantly the 'topic of the day'~~~ that I had enough `stuff` stored, enough insight available, to write with conviction and clarity.   I haven't written since Jan. 31 due to "muddle, muddle, toil and trouble"-- the experience of Blur, Fog, Cloud and Fume.   I confess :  It takes Discipline to "Focus"--to gain entry and access to a Realm in which things-as-abstractions can be first scribed* and then DE-scribed with some sort of intellectual lucidity.   Even Clinical Analysis can "go wrong" in that Opinion is never modestly subjective---it carries the Weight and IS the Gravity of UnConscious Prompting which is hardly Objective .   

          I've been Studying Joe's "Body Of Work"--his "Definitive Collection" which begins with "Funk 49" and concludes with "Ordinary Guy".   I consider Joe a "Working Man's" Musician, Singer, and Song Writer .   Every chord he strikes, both Mind and Body, resonates within me as "Truth".   He is Serious Fun, he expresses his subjective Profoundity* with  a Body Wisdom and Soulful Excitement .   His Voice is both Plaintif" {Brotherly + Paternal} and Universal ---his Rhythms Hypnotically* Danceful* .  When you Listen you Move .......

          However, today's wurq* isn't about Joe, it's about Shoshana Zuboff's  Phrase :  "Psychological Self-Determinism" .

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