Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Problematical Indecency


                    I'm going to leave this morning's Consideration here .   Keep in your Mind the FACT that the UnConscious 'speaks' ONLY in terms of Images and SILENT {but PHYSICAL} Promptings .   When I TELL you "I want Justice" what I REALLY 'want' is to see the Perpetrator {Perp-a-TRAITOR} fuking TORTURED until I 'achieve' Satisfaction .  Here it is where Hammurabi's "An eye for an eye" is Heartfelt Presence of PRIMITIVE Equality--- "You gouged out my eye, I will gouge out YOURS" .  Here it is where Equality in its PUREST Form is a Stubborn INSISTENCE of Mother Nature and Mother Earth .  Supposedly it is Justice that restores Balance where Balance is noneother* than Equality .   Now WHY the Universe is DEPENDENT upon Equality can be viewed as Einsteinian in Nature, as we can see in "E = MC squared".   I don't like "IT" one bit but thus far Civilization is CONTENT with problematical Indecency.

          Gotta go .

Rock steady........Steady az She goze... .

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