Sunday, January 22, 2023

The Code of the Best


                     If the "Code of the West" is, "Stick to your guns", what then,  should  be  the  `Code of the EAST ? `   I'm gonna* "Stick to" my Sword(s).   

          She's given me her e-mail address-- I THINK  -through this medium- I can assuage her Fear(s) and repair the Damage I unleashed .   

          2 words : :  I'm gonna Weaponize my Music.   Presently there are two Songs that can verify, substantiate and corroborate my Abstractural* Existence .  "The Power Of Love" and "You Got That Right"--the 1st by Hewy Lewis and The News, the 2nd, by Lynyrd Skynyrd .   The Power of Love is Self Evident but the one line in "You Got That Right" DEFINES me as I am RIGHT NOW ,, it is ,,, "When my time's up / I'll hold my own"  and  "When it comes to a fix / ain't afraid to FIGHT".

Rock Steady........Steady az She goze... .




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