Saturday, January 21, 2023

It's Secret is Recess

               The 'Deal' with all Training and [Meditation] is Simple and Straight Forward {"Only go Straight,, "Don't Know"}.   The Training 'gets' you to the TOTAL and COMPLETE "AwareNess of "Just Now" ".  When welders touch a metal piece with their Tig stick, the contact is of ARC and SPARK, plus, there's a POP-ing sound .  THAT'S  "Just Now"  and  its  (sometimes)  grotesque Intensity .   You WANNA 'Live' in "Just Now" ,   How often do we take "Recess" in Paradise ????  {{{phuq i do it all the time}}} .   Our Minds, check that, we ALLOW our Minds to Wander and Frolic in meadows of clover and grain we can FEEL Bliss---its Warmth ........   It's Truth and Falsity at the Same Time --- Real and UN-Real          John Cougar relates :     "It hurts so good"    ---- .  We kant live in Recess ~~~ that rite there MIGHT-BE an {Unintended} Kozmyq* >>Absolute<< .



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