Sunday, January 22, 2023

"I'm GREAT, you're not -- PAY ME !!!"

                     You Gyze* know what this 'This' is "All About".  'It's' handing over your entire Lyphe* to a complete fuqing* STRANGER, a One who can "Yea" or "Nay" your  present Existence and ALL your Altruistic Intensifications* .     

          Eric Dickerson was undergoing 'Contract Negotiations'--fed up he strode into the Byg Head's Office, plopped down and coerced, "I'm GREAT you're not PAY ME !!!"

          That's what I wanted, IMMEDIATE and sustained AWE just at my Appearance---  you want Delusion ?  Hallucination ?   "No prob" .

          Bob Monroe was drunk at our FIRST House Meeting.  He blurbled*  "When it comes to women, I'm magic" to which Barry MacEwen scorched, "Why don't you fucking disappear?"

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