Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Mystery LOVES Company

                     Living by [and within] Cosmic {and Kozmyq} Principles is Rewarded by "Smooth Sailing"---"Cool Runnings" and the like .   Deviation form the Principles results in Hardship and Sorrow, which in turn guarantees a "Poverty of the Soul" ----  {   } .   What ARE these so-called Principles ?   Why are we (((Punished))) for Non-Adherence ???    The Answer is Simple :   The Universe has One Trajectory and it is toward Perfection .   Each of us is headed toward the Center, toward Perfection [as both Herman Hesse and Dr. Jung have ingrained].   Evolution is the INFINITE Manifestation of the {Divine} Drive toward Perfection, It seeks CONTINUOUS "Change" that ALL Life become(s) Perfect .   

          The Taoist Master and Student of Lao Tzu , Chuang Tsu gives us a Reckoning = 

                                                    "Perfection is the Result of Struggle"

Oh my, oh my,, Oh MY ....

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