Friday, January 6, 2023

The Tenets of Moronic Imbecility

                     You can see, feel and hear the Tenets of Moronic Imbecility being exercised by BOTH the republicans and the democrats as they offer one another the Possibility of having a BLACK man as SOTH {Speaker Of The House}.   I mean, shit, just when you think, they "KANT GET NO MORE STUPIDUH" they run, pell mell, down Shit Hole Avenue .  Remember what Obama's Election DID [?], it paved the Way for Trump and Trumpism .   How, EXACTLY is a BLACK Speaker gonna be any different ????? !  Childish {almost infantile} HOPE can beget Fantasy EXTREME-ISM , the one of Salvationary* SCUM.  Their Collective Minds have turned toward the Dream IMPOSSIBLE of OTHER Interjection of Destiny Altering Trajectory --- A SAVIOR-TYPE Political Methodology that presupposes Ideal Reformations.  It's fuking HORSESHIT of {coarse}.    

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