Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Corpor-ity [Core-Poor Reality]

                     We KNOW that there is no "Miss Justice"--there is ONLY a Statue that REPRESENTS a Mental {Theoretical} Construct .   When we say, "There is no Miss Justice" our UnConscious HEARS, "There is no Justice", since Justice is UNREAL in the Physical Sense .  Here it is where Intellect DEMANDS Corporeality {Corpor-Reality} hence the Statue .   2 words =  This Corporeality is EMPTY at its BEST   >>>  at its Worst Cruelly Trouble-full*.

          We must not apply 'over-valued Expectation' with regard to our excess of Provincial Jurisprudence i.e.,  the singular anticipation of SATISFACTION-- the result of punitive Jury not just riotous concourse.  We hear, "We DEMAND Satisfaction", where Satisfaction is found in the Witnessing of Hanging or the Witnessing of Penitentiary Confinement .    

          Somehow, Justice {Em-Bodies} 'a Return to Normalcy' .  Violence is thwarted, [contained and/or managed] and the Perpetrator REMOVED from his or her Position of Horror-ific* Ascendancy .  ORDER {Balance} is RE-IN-STATED and the Status Quo Continuum RE-Stored .

          All is well in Hell .................................................................... .

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