Saturday, January 14, 2023

Cur Rant

                     You can see it ryte* ?   To be dirty and soiled EVERY phuqing day, MEANS, according to the  Prime  Ordinance,  that  you  can't  possibly  be   "Next to God".   You can  see it ryte ?   "Don't judge a book by its cover" WEAPONIZED to judge those of HONEST Means as "Scum of the Earth" cur* {I use cur as irregular plural noun}.   You can see it ryte ?   The DIVI  SION between the Dirty and the Clean "takes on" SPIRITUAL Atrocity, that is, in NO WAY WHATSOEVER can "Equality" be 'applied' to the Unclean,, who are, for MOST "intents and purposes" UNFIT to experience not only Equality but JUSTICE as well .   2 words :    UNWORTHY !!!

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