Sunday, January 22, 2023

" What is 'Hip' ? "

                     "It" was CERTAINLY not 'What I wanted' --- I KNOW better than to just 'show up' unarmed and woefully attired .   In my HEAD I KNEW I had to dress for the Occasion, that I may present myself as Zen Sword'sMan, and University Graduate ~~~ and that means Shirt, Tie and Sportcoat*--- the attire of 'Hip' Professors .   I mean, would you rather speak with Robert Redford or Humphrey Bogart ?   

          It felt as if the Universe had dragged be from the safety of the vehicle to the INSIDE --- and here the INSIDE is the Realm of Tengu Authority --- that of Tricq* and Qwiq-wit* .   She handed me her business card --- it remains in the car on the console ~~~~~~~~~ ................ .


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