Tuesday, January 10, 2023

On the Order of Chaos

                     I'm headed outdoors to clear my head, get some exercise and to help me Think and Not Think about what I want to Write {Rwyte}.   One of my self-imposed Assignments is to make 'Sense' of the Chaos generated by the News Media and Its reporting.  For most of a 'long time' I allowed myself NO definition of that word "Sense".  Now it's bugging me, nagging me, and harassing my Intellect with an infection born from {mutant} Aggravation .   "Sense" should be an explanation that restores or supplies ORDER, since the opposite of Chaos IS >> Order.  Writing {Rwyting} should bring Order to the Mind's Intellect-- to bring an understanding, to secure a Balance between Input and Assimilation ---at least I wanna figure it that way .   Thing is, we say "MAKE" "Sense" --- Sense HERE must be 'constructed'.  Recall that 'meaning' too, must be 'Constructed'.   What are the "building blocks" not only of Sense but of Meaning,, and does Chaos contain the fundamental and rudimentary elements with which to restore Order so that Meaning can be built as well  ???  

          Buddhism declares, "Form is Emptiness, Emptiness is Form".   Can I get-away-with  Chaos is Order, Order is Chaos ???

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