Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Reign Day


                     When I left yesterday, I figured to comment on the Improbability of trump being prosecuted by the American Department of {IN}Justice based upon our experience with Mueller and his [abject] Failure  to  recommend  Prosecution  despite  the  HEAVY  load  of  Realized  Evidence .   I'm seeing Mueller and present Attorney General as being "cut from the same cloth" meaning "of the same ilk", meaning of the same Statue Quo loving Generation , the one that Pardoned Nixon .  Further, I see Garland as a fuking PUSSY, of the same cloth and of the same ilk as Eric Holder, that nit wit MORON who concocted "Too Big To Fail".   Garland izgonna* figure the Country CANNOT withstand the Prosecution of trump---that the Trial will INEVITABLY lead to [Cause] a Civil War, i.e., Fighting in the streets, Riots, Bombings, and ALL the SHIT Civil War entails, if the Last is to be 'held' as Paradigm.   

          Two words :  I DISAGREE ABSOLUTELY AND COMPLETELY !!!!!!!

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