Tuesday, January 3, 2023

The "Monster Mash"

                     We many be looking at Something Else ~~~Garland's World View .  Does he "Believe In" the American People(s) ?   Does this 'Belief' register in a POSITIVE Manner ??   Here now Trust rears ITS Ugly Face, the Face of a MONSTER gone the way of Death Dealing Largess .   Truth HERE, the Death Dealer of the Myth of the Stolen Election ---itself a MONSTER ...... .   Does Garland TRUST the People's to respond in a CIVILIZED Manner---a Response that NEEDS Truth to Validate Justice .   If only "Belief" could be kept Isolated, Secure in its Possession of Impermeability, meaning Corruption CANNOT 'enter' to contaminate or Injure Reality .   Yet this Belief does NOT "stand alone" for on ITS Back noneother* than the Guardian of FAITH.  Does Garland have FAITH in the People's Discrimination to Perceive Truth as the ULTIMATE and Supreme ???!!                        I doubt it .

           If Garland DID Believe in the People(s) he would Press Forward to Prosecute trump "according to the Letter of the Law" .   If Garland DID "Believe", he would TRUST the Republic's Strength and ABILITY to withstand the Forces of Diabolical Criminality, in this Case, Sedition and Insurrection .   

          Is Prosecution to GREAT a RISK ??????    Is Garland Brave or is he Cowardly ???????

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