Tuesday, January 10, 2023

One Nation under Fraud

                     Reporters and {pseudo} Journalist have recorded the events that occurred in the American House of Representatives as being "Chaotic".   That >IT< didn't 'sound' 'good' from its first delivery--still doesn't.  Factions within the republican party were vying for the Power to Control future 'proceedings'.  These Efforts were HARDLY Chaotic---there were strategies and tactics that were utilized as LEVERAGE to force movement toward Ambitions and Goals .  Political Street Warfare weaponizes Speech and Oration to manipulate the Minds of Each Faction--- and HERE Logic and Higher Order Reasoning does NOT have ANY 'desired effect' because TRUTH, as a Means to Measure Political Validity, is itself INOPERATIVE.  What was transpiring was the naked and SAVAGE Ambition of Derelict  {Moralists}  whose  ONLY  'End'  was  the  all-out  DESTRUCTION  of an Institution .   They wanted to destroy the FUNCTION of said Institution .   The Removal of its Function {the surety of aught} would `create` a Vacuum that was to be filled by 'semblances' of Antebellum Rigidity, but NOT the 'good' Kind, the Kind of Southern Hospitality and Gentleman{ly} Honor--- but the kind that Perceived Northern Democratic Idealism as an INVASION upon a Slave Mentality whose Implementation actually CAUSED the Militant Defiance that could only end in Secession .  

          Not Chaos    .......................           

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