Thursday, January 19, 2023

Hejira Hunting


                    My arms still ache from efforts of five days ago.  I liken the ache [to what] ice must feel when it thaws.  I have a ton of shyt* to do--but I gotta head over to Staples to get copies made of my neighbor's Illustrations for the Kiddie Book I'm attempting to manifest in Reality.  

          I awoke to Joni Mitchell and Ben Affleck---an odd couple I know .  The other day I `put on` Joni's "Hejira" a magnificently disturbing Masterpiece that features Jazz Maestro Jaco Pastorius on his Electric Bass .  'It' has been playging* me for days now, skits and skats of reverberations and echos bouncing in and out of my Conscious Ness --- Haunting         haunting                 haunting .

          Affleck was the protagonist in a Film about Journaling--Diary-Keeping------he played an Ad Exec  who  wanted  to  become  a  Seeker  Of  Internal  Truths   {      }    not  his  BEST  'Wurq'  not  by a   l--o--n--g   shot.  It struck my Core as if  [by]  {with}  Sword . 

          This morning at 2:30 both were Ringing in my head--ringing  ringing ringing Ringing .


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